I love my coaching client JoJami Tyler. She’s the style expert at Fabulous After 40 and she’s on day 2 of my coaching program.
As you’ll see by the video, JoJami is NOT overweight by any stretch, however, she’s unsatisfied with how she looks and feels. She wants to feel strong and toned again.
My program isn’t meant for those ONLY interested in weight loss. Many ladies I coach are close to their perfect weight, but what they see in the mirror isn’t necessarily what they want to see. The same body weight can look different depending on whether exercise is a part of your lifestyle. Many ladies may weigh the same but they’ve traded muscle for fat so their shape isn’t as pleasing to them.
Check out JoJami as she pushes through the workout entitled ‘How Many Reps?’:
Here are some of the exercises that you’ll find in that awesome workout. As you can see, all you’ll need is a minimum amount of equipment. I’ve hyperlinked lots of the exercises to the video that shows you how to do the exercise properly, as well, there’s an exercise library with written instructions so you’ll feel fully supported.
stair climbing
high knees
push ups
get ups
DB military press
tricep extensions with DB
Jump rope
squat jumps
lateral lunges
reverse lunges
mountain climbers
knee ins
prone shoe touches
spider crawls
suicide sprints
DB rows
DB lateral raise
DB deadlift
bicep curls
If you’re interested in my coaching program, you can check it out HERE. I’m taking a few qualified clients, information on the application process is HERE.