My mentor and good friend Craig Ballantyne has a program that I highly recommend. There’s so much fluff out there, I want to turn you onto the best so you don’t waste your time and money. CB’s program’s are the best…why would I choose a mentor unless I felt this way?

Now over to fitness expert, Craig Ballantyne, to explain why metabolic resistance training is so important for fat loss.
“What is Metabolic Resistance Training”
By Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS, CTT
Turbulence Training
What the heck are these metabolic resistance training workouts that
everyone keeps talking about for fat loss? Well, you’ve probably
heard the term because the internet is buzzing about this type of
training for fat burning.
After all, gone are the days of slow cardio for weight loss. Heck,
even interval training is starting to get passed over. All in favor
of this specific type of workout called metabolic resistance
It’s really exciting though, to know that we can build muscle and
lose fat at the same time, while getting lean and even having
ripped six-pack abs thanks to these short, burst workouts. And you
don’t need fancy, expensive equipment. Instead, you can focus on
using bodyweight exercises, dumbbells, kettlebell exercises, or
even TRX exercises.
Let me explain in this short, fun video with a few examples:
Anytime you use supersets or circuits and train with an elevated
heart rate and insufficient recovery. You are doing metabolic
resistance training. But the metabolic resistance training used by
Turbulence Training readers is different. I’ve modified the heavy
metabolic resistance training and also incorporated metabolic
resistance conditioning using lighter resistance, and less rest.
In this new Turbulence Training metabolic resistance training
workout program, you’ll get 4 workouts, broken down into these two
components. Two workouts of heavy metabolic resistance training and
two workouts of metabolic conditioning. The heavy workouts are done
first, and are followed immediately the next day by the
conditioning workouts.
I’ll be writing a lot more about metabolic resistance and
conditioning workouts in the future to help you lose fat and gain
muscle at the same time. That’s the beauty of the system; not only
do the fast-paced, short burst workouts help you burn a ton of
calories, but if your goal is muscle building, you can do that too.
Until then, get ready to use a few new exercises and a few training
methods we haven’t used before to elevate ” in-workout and
after-workout” calorie burning.
It’s all about working your metabolic systems for maximum calorie
burning, while only permitting yourself to have incomplete
recovery. These are the intense workouts you’ve been looking for.
No more slow, boring, monotonous cardio workouts that take forever.
Those days are over.
So be prepared to hear a lot more about MRT and metabolic lifting
and conditioning workouts. And again, you aren’t limited to
machines or weights. You can do these workouts with almost any
equipment, and even with bodyweight exercises only, as my
bodyweight cardio circuits have proven.
You’ll have a total blast even doing these types of programs at the
park with your TRX and kettlebells and bodyweight. You’ll be so
much better off than being stuck in stuffy gym with machines. And
make sure to watch my video to find out why MRT might even be
better than traditional interval training.
Times are a-changing. The entire fitness industry is going through
a revolution where we move away from bodybuilder and cardio bunny
workouts. And that’s a good thing. Doing less cardio and
eliminating little isolation exercises, such as crunches, from your
routines will help you get results fast.
Get started with the Turbulence Training Metabolic Resistance
Training workouts here.
You now have a fun, four-day program that will get you ripped and
give you the body that you deserve.
Train hard but safe with new MRT workouts.
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Training
Thanks for explaining metabolic resistance training Craig! Who’s up for this challenge?
He’s the master of metabolic resistance training. You should see him, he’s ultra fit so I know he’s doing something right. And don’t think his workouts are just for the fellas cuz he’s a man. Interestingly enough, he says that a good majority of his followers are women just like you.
Like I said before, I’m not out to push every program out there to you. I’ll only endorse the ones that I truly believe in. This is one of them. You choose what’s right for you, I just want to help you separate what’s worth it and what’s not.