Tips + Human Flag = Success

The human flag…the ultimate challenge. Are you up for it? I’m no gymnast, not now and I’ve never been one in the past. It seems like a history in gymnastics or circus performance would come in handy when contemplating the human flag. On an aside, I once had a friend with whom I’ve lost touch … Continued

Challenge Yourself – 20 Ways

Insanity: Doing the same thing and expecting different results. Sadly, many people don’t apply this rule to their training. They constantly do the same workouts and wonder why they look and feel the same, their performance doesn’t improve, they don’t lose that last little bit of flub. This is insanity. Now, I’ve been training since … Continued

Challenge Workouts and Sore Knees

Knee pain. It’s a pain in the…. well…knee. When I first tweaked my knee, it felt like a truck was sitting on it especially at night (torn lateral meniscus) I was ready to perform surgery myself (don’t try this at home ;)). Seriously, I had my left knee scoped, I was awake for the procedure … Continued

Knee Pain Tips

Do you have knee pain? Me too. Thankfully I can tap into the best professionals to help you. My friend Rick Kaselj has these tips for you: Always work a full range of motion as much as possible. If you can’t complete the full range of motion pain free, do the ROM that you can. … Continued

Beginner Push Up and Pull Up Tips

  Want to lose weight and get fit all at once? Don’t want to go to the gym or buy expensive equipment? You ARE your own machine when you do body weight exercises. Two of my favorite exercises that hit your entire upper body and core are the push up and pull up. These bodyweight … Continued

Using the Assisted Pull Up Machine

One way to increase your pull up power is to use the assisted pull up machine if you have access to one. I don’t believe this is the best or only way to increase your pull up quality and quantity, but it’s ONE tool in your pull up training tool box. As I’ve said before, … Continued

Push Up Execise Tip

  I know that many of you are looking for ways to improve the quality and quantity of your push ups. I have a tip that will not only help you push ups, but it will help you with your pull ups as well. It doesn’t sound wildly sexy, but it’s effective to help stabilize … Continued

Challenge Workout Video Bloopers

A good videographer is hard to find. Sometimes things just go wrong. Seriously, when filming guerrilla style videos in the gym or at a park, what can you expect? Often I’ll accost some random passerby who looks sort of like they wouldn’t run off with my camera and hope that they shoot a decent video. … Continued

What’s a Hardcore Finisher?

I’ve been getting asked the question ‘what’s a hardcore finisher’, so I asked Travis to enlighten us. Here’s some good info for you. But don’t bother if you’re sort of a wus 😉 What is a Hardcore Finisher? Travis Stoetzel, CSCS   If you’re not yet using Finishers as apart of your training routines, you’re … Continued

Hardcore Finisher Bonus – Not for You

Finishing your workout with a bang is important. Squeezing every ounce of energy out of your bones not only strengthens the body, but builds mental toughness too. I can’t say enough about Mike Whitfield and Travis Stoezel’s Hardcore Finisher program. If you’re NOT mentally tough, if you don’t have an “I can do anything” attitude, … Continued