Challenge Workout: 100 Reps

100 is a pretty cool number for a challenge workout. I sort of like doing 100 reps of different things. Today it was the squat. I wanted to see if I could beat my time from this workout here. I had that sickly nauseated feeling in the pit of my belly as I warmed up … Continued

4 Tips to Beach Ready in No Time

Okay ladies, here’s the deal. It’s summer. And maybe some of you missed out on the memo back in March that it was time to start getting regular workout to get that killer summer bod you’ve been forever dreaming about. Maybe some of you also missed out on the memo for April…and May… and the … Continued

Want Workout DVD’s?

I wanted to share a few points about fat loss that can really springboard you towards success or tank your progress. First of all,  you need to address your hormonal environment. You can’t lose an ounce unless you address your hormones. That is, if your fat loss program is not strategically and specifically addressing your … Continued

I Love Canada

  I had the good fortune to travel abroad where I was able to mix a bit of biz and pleasure. It was a most interesting experience I must say, but the biggest thing I got out of the trip was how much I LOVE CANADA. I don’t want to bash any other countries as … Continued

Burn More Fat, Waste Less Time

It’s no news that shedding fat is hard work. I mean, if it was easy, there would be no such thing as cottage cheese bum, or cankles, or double chins,  and everyone would look rocking in a bikini or board shorts. But we all know that isn’t the case. If you’re reading this, consider yourself … Continued

Body Weight Training – Get to the Playground

Do you ever just want to ditch the gym and get outside? I live in Calgary, AB, where the weather is pretty chilly most of the year. When it finally gets to be sunny, it’s nice to take advantage of the weather and train outside. I wanted to give you an example of a body … Continued

Old Love and a New Workout

Here’s my home gym: I’ve trained at home for about 20 years. It was a great way to ensure I’d get my workouts in even when my babies were, well, babies….I had a whack of custom equipment in not a ton of floor space. Well, as it turns out, babies grow, my oldest just returned … Continued

New Love: The Clean and Press

Being injured is a bummer to say the least, but it does stretch my training creativity. I have to try to find ways to train around an injury, still get an intense workout while not doing further damage to my injury. Sometimes I fail….that is, I aggravate the injury or I don’t get as intense … Continued

Happy Father’s Day to the Men in Your Life

How many of you are lucky enough to have your Dad in your life today?  I hope many. I wanted to give a shout out to my dad today cuz he’s a super cool guy and I really haven’t given him his due. I got my abs from my Dad Although my dad is old … Continued

Happy Father’s Day!

How many of you are fathers out there? I did a survey of my readers and I was pleasantly surprised to see that 60% of my readers are men aged 40-50. I think it’s cool that I seem to resonate with dudes that are about my age. (It hasn’t helped the dating situation, although it’s … Continued