Try this Ab Finisher

I have NOT lost over 100 lbs. I know how to do  challenging workouts, I can help you get super fit and lose fat, but it’s from research and not necessarily  from my own experience of losing a ton of weight.   The most weight I ever lost was 25 lbs, and 8 lbs of … Continued

Old Soviet Principles For Building Muscle

I have a post for you from my friend, Jared DiCarmine, read on for some info on how to build some muscle. ***************************************************************************************************************************   Muscle… We all want to build muscle, burn fat and look good with our shirts off or in a bathing suit. There’s nothing wrong with that. Now when you first start … Continued

My Fav Ab Moves?

I always get asked what my favorite abdominal moves are. Should I be doing crunches? What will flatten my tummy? How can I get rid of my muffin top? Well, let me remind you that you can do ANY ab move and as long as your diet isn’t dialed in, your muffin top will remain … Continued

The Push Up Addiction Test

  I learned about this test from my friend and mentor, Craig Ballantyne who learned it from world-famous strength coach Martin Rooney in the April 2010 issue of Men’s Health. The Rules 1) After a warm-up, you are going to do push-ups for 3 minutes. 2) You can rest whenever you want – but the … Continued

Who Doesn’t Have 3 Minutes?

“I don’t have time to workout.” C’mon. Really? You need to come up with something better than that. “I’m hooked up to a dialysis machine”, okay, I’ll accept that as reason for not training, or “I’m in a full body cast” would be acceptable for a certain period of time…   Actually, if you’re on … Continued

Workout in a Pinch

Train in your underwear? Well, that’s the beauty of a home workout. It was super hot outside and in my new condo that morning. I live in a cold climate with about 5 hot days a year so no one really has AC. I got ready to train, put in my underwear and running shoes … Continued

Stair Workout

I’m pretty much settled into my new digs. I’m big on home workouts and wanted a quickie. My home gym isn’t set up yet, but I knew that I could figure out something. I had an early flight to catch and didn’t want to be sitting for hours and then miss out on training for … Continued

3 min Body Weight Finisher – Tough!

If you’re bored of cardio and EVEN intervals, get ready for another one of my pal Mike Whitfield’s calorie-torching bodyweight finishers. Check out this finisher he recently did with a client: “What can you do in 3 minutes?” said his long-time client with a smile after he just completed his tough metabolic resistance training workout. … Continued

Moving Day Workout

  I don’t know anything about feng shui, but to me, this has got to be a good sign. I moved into my new condo and found this in the master bathroom. I never noticed it when I was purchasing my house, but what a happy surprise! So fitting for the ‘Pull Up Queen’, I … Continued

Fav Pilates Move

Want a flat tummy? Want to lose your muffin top? Well, first off, you can’t ‘spot reduce’, but you can tighten and tone the muscle below that layer of fat, if you clean up your diet before you know it: Viola! Your abs will show. I want to dispel some of the ‘old school’ ab … Continued