I got goose bumps. I was minding my business training when a woman came up and introduced herself to me. She looked amazing. But that wasn’t what caused the goose bumps. It was what she said that really made my day.
She told me that she had my Challenge Workout program and is now able to do 16 pull ups. I was thrilled. She said she tried and tried before, but was unable to get that kind of success.
I asked her if I could take a picture of her, I wanted her to see her back because it looked so muscular and sexy. She was amazed and impressed when I sent her the picture of her own back.
I started thinking about it. This was a person, athletic and motivated, that couldn’t figure out the pull out. She used my program and succeeded. She looks better than ever and has more strength and energy now than before.
I want to help more people like her. I want to help those people that aren’t even close to getting a pull up achieve pull up success.
I’m on a mission and you can help. My goal is to help 10 000 increase their pull up power. So far, I’ve helped over 1500, I’m on my way, but I have a long way to go.
I want to show you how to use my ‘controlled cheating’ method to learn how to do more quality pull ups.
Here’s a video with some tips:
And I thought I’d make it easier for you to get my program:
I want to give you not only my Challenge Workout program that includes a bodyweight version of the pull up program and the Endurance Power Builder program, but I’m adding in three bonuses:
- The long awaited Ab Challenge program
- The Super Hero Challenge program
- The Hardcore Challenge Workout program.
Aaand, I’m lowering the price to only $19.99
I want to be able to hear more stories of success. I want to hear YOUR success story so I’m practically giving away my program.
But only until Friday, the price will nearly double then.
So if you’re ready to challenge yourself for real, click HERE to get started.