Lean in 17 Minutes? (Yup it’s possible)

Do you have 17 minutes? Do you want to lose your tummy? My follow along videos were such a hit, that I thought I’d share another resource with you. Take a look at this workout from my friend Brian Kalakay (you’ll see him in more of my own follow along videos coming out May 7th) … Continued

Lean in 17? You bet

Short on time and long on the desire to get lean in no time flat? Well pretty much anyone should be able to find 17 minutes a day, right? Seriously, what could you possibly be doing that’s so important that you couldn’t spare 17 minutes or less for your health? Take a look at this … Continued

Politically Incorrect Abs?

I often get asked what my favorite ab moves are. Here’s a secret: I don’t spend a lot of time training abs specifically. In fact, that goes for bi’s, triceps and calves too. My thoughts are that I’ll train big compound movements first and if I have any gas in the tank at the end … Continued

3 Tips on How to Beat Workout Boredom

Guest post 3 Tips on How to Beat Workout Boredom By Kate Vidulich, CTT Author:  Fat Loss Accelorators I have a confession to make. I used to be a treadmill-hamster. A cute, fluffy animal who loved to drink beer and eat banana bread. Yep, that was me in a nutshell. Running on the treadmill at … Continued

Tougher Than a Burpee?

Tougher than a burpee? I didn’t think I’d find anything, but the ‘sit out’ rivals the burpee. What I like about the sit out is that I feel my triceps as well as my core light up. I’m not sure if it’s the position or if it’s just tough work, but these really get me … Continued

Band Assisted Pull Up Option

Need help with your pull ups? Have you tried the band assist? The first time I tried the band assisted pull up, the band slipped and I got a pretty good spank and I was a little red cheeked (BTW, I’m not talking about my face, even though it was a little embarrassing). Using the … Continued

Pilates Pay Back Trio

My Cali BFF came for a visit to ‘sunny’ Calgary. Sunny should read ‘snowy’. Oops, what was I thinking…   I asked her to do a post for us. You can see more of Sylvia Favela, ‘The Pilates Chick’ here and here.  I’ll let Sylvia take it away…     I spent the weekend celebrating … Continued

Suspension Revolution Workouts

What fits in a shoe box and can train pretty much all 600 muscles of your body? If you guessed the suspension trainer, you guessed correctly. I use my suspension trainer a lot. I love to take it to the back yard and hang it from a tree to train. I have a sample workout … Continued

House Guest Workout

What do you do when you have company? You know, the kind that you wonder if they’ll ever leave? Well, my Cali BFF, Sylvia came for the weekend, and you’d think that I was trying to get rid of her. Not so. We sit butt to butt on the couch with our lap tops. She’s … Continued

Old Dog New Trick Workout

I’m feeling a little like an OLD DOG  with a BIG birthday this week, but I’m SO overwhelmed with the outpouring of love from friends, family and you, that I can’t wait for another 50 years to pass so I can feel like royalty again 😉 Originally I wrestled with the idea of turning 50, … Continued