Burpees and Box Jumps

I’m back from my filming fun in Michigan. I have something cool coming up for you with MORE Challenge Fat Loss video workouts. I’ll let you know about it soon.

Challenge Fat Loss

It’s back to my ‘other life’ of fitness boot camps. I run a Fit Body Boot Camp here in Calgary and I usually teach camp 1-2 days a week (I have amazing trainers teach on the other days). I love connecting with my boot camp clients. On my teaching days, my time is pretty tight but I never miss a workout.

I know that this is YOUR issue too. Your time is tight and you may only have 20-30 minutes to knock out a workout.

Here’s a short Challenge Fat Loss style workout for you to do with only a pull up bar and a box: (You can always swap out an inverted row, a suspension row, a DB row or even a wall sit stick up in place of the pull up if you have no bar.)

Here’s the workout:

You’ll do 10 pull ups (or assisted pull ups) followed by 20 box jumps. You’ll count down each set. This is the pattern:

10 pull ups, 20 box jumps
9 pull ups, 18 box jumps
8 pull ups, 16 box jumps

Continue until you get to 1 pull up and 2 box jumps

Time yourself, beat your time next time out.

I know, this is A LOT of pull ups.

In the video, I also give you my favorite way to modify the pull up for when you fatigue or if you haven’t mastered one pull up yet.

If you’re looking to improve your pull up power, I have a great program to help with that. You could be doing a workout from my Pull Up Challenge workout one day and Challenge Fat Loss the next.

These programs totally compliment each other.

Check out my Pull Up Challenge to help you master the pull up bar. You’ll also see me knock out 20 effortless pull ups on this page.

pull up challenge