99 Burpee Take Away Challenge

Before I get to the workout for today, I need to clear something up. I’m an expert in burpees and pull ups and the like, I never claimed to be a mathematician 😉  It seems that in this next workout, even COUNTING was too complicated for me.   I set the workout up on my … Continued

100 Burpees in 10 Minutes

Do you have 10 minutes? Then you can get a full body kick a$$ workout in. This is a ‘RIST’ style workout, that means ‘reps in specific time’. The goal is to get 10 reps in every minute for 10 minutes. The exercise is everyone’s favourite: the BURPEE! Now it’s WAY more fun to be … Continued

Jump Rope Ab Finisher Challenge

Guest Post from Mike Whitfield, CTT I just realized that the annual “Gobble Jog” I run every year on Thanksgiving is sneaking up on me. I haven’t trained for it at all, and yet, I’m not sweating it. I did the same thing back in July with a 10K. I didn’t train at all… and … Continued

Challenge Jump Rope Ab Finisher

We all know that crunches are the LEAST effective way to find your six pack right? You know that you CAN NOT spot reduce and you could do crunches all day long and still not find your abs. So don’t bother. There are WAY more effective ways to tighten, tone and strengthen your core. Here’s … Continued

Jump Rope Ab Finisher

Crunches are over rated! Don’t do them. There are much more effective ways to flatten your tummy… Here’s my good friend, Mike ‘pancakes’ Whitfield with a jump rope ab finisher for you. Now Mikey is a big finisher freak. He suggests doing these finishers after any workout, including a Female Fat Loss Over Forty workout. … Continued

Sprint Alternatives = Fat Loss

Guest Post from Dennis Heenan Author: Super Hero Sprints “But I can’t sprint…” Ahh if I had a nickel for every time I heard that one… When people hear or see the word sprints, they often do one of two things: Sprint away as fast as possible in order to get away from the workout … Continued

Burpees and Sprints

Burpees are great for fat burning. They can be modified or intensified to suit any fitness level. The great thing about burpees is that they’re more effective for fat burning compared to long slow cardio like ‘jogging’. If you haven’t checked out my Challenge Burpee program, then it’s time you did. I mean, who doesn’t … Continued

How to Do a Handstand Push up + More

One of my favorite clients, mentioned how she struggled with a handstand push up so I thought it’d be a good idea to share this tip on how to do a handstand push up.   The first step is to work on the handstand. You don’t need to be able to do this unassisted, go … Continued

Challenge Complex with Sev

Here’s a fun Challenge Complex workout for you. One of the reason I love complexes is because I loathe doing traditional ‘cardio’. When I do a complex, I get my heart rate up, boost my metabolism and I work on strength all at once. I can lessen the load on all lifts so I can … Continued

The Most Important Exercise

I have an article for you from my friend and ‘fitness son’ Jason Klein. He’s a really cool cat, much smarter than his years. He’s developed a program from training marines to get fit super fast. You can see it here, or go ahead and read what he has to say and do the workout … Continued