Best Way to Boost Metabolism

Does metabolism tank at the magic age of 40 or when menopause hits? Let me debunk some myths about metabolism and menopause. (You’ll find the BEST way to boost your metabolism with workouts created specifically for women over 40 here.) You see, menopause gets a bad rap. In fact, it bothers me when people say … Continued

Metabolism Boosting Recipe

As many people know, I’m pretty much an epic kitchen klutz when it comes to cooking, but I have a brilliant metabolism boosting recipe in the video below that’s gluten free, dairy free, vegan, 100% paleo and it turns out for me EVERY time 😉 You’ll have to watch the video to see what it … Continued

Kitchen Lesson About the BEST Fat Burning Exercise

Here’s a kitchen demo to illustrate the BEST belly fat burning exercise. If you had to melt some fat in the kitchen, would you use a candle or a frying pan on the stove top? The answer is obvious. The candle is like doing low intensity exercise like steady state cardio and the frying pan … Continued

More Reasons to Ditch ‘Cardio’

If you’re still doing cardio to get lean and get rid of you belly, I want to save you the trouble and provide an alternate approach so stick with me. First I need to beat up on steady state cardio just a little to remind you why you shouldn’t do it. Steady state cardio – … Continued

Best Ab Move?

What’s the best ‘move’ to do to get a flat and toned tummy? Unfortunately, there’s not ONE move you can do. In fact you can do sit ups and planks all day long and not get the toned tummy you want and deserve. But, the good news is that you can still get a toned … Continued

Scared to Sneeze or Laugh?

No one likes to talk about it, but ‘peeing your pants’ can be a real issue.   As women, we know it’s very common that a simple sneeze, giggle or (heaven forbid!) a jumping jack can leave a puddle in our pants 🙁   It doesn’t have to be that way though…   Meet my … Continued

Why Your Resolutions Fail

Here’s just a snippet of me on Global Calgary News sharing what you’re going to discover… The sad reality is that 92% of all fitness resolutions fail….Want to be part of the 8% that succeed? Read on… Let’s break down why you may fail at your resolutions in the first place and a solution… KNOW … Continued

2017 Predictions for YOU

There’s something exciting about a fresh start…You get to forgive yourself and forget the mistakes of the past.   Wouldn’t you just LOVE to finally reach your health goals?   Let me make a prediction for YOUR success in 2017…Just imagine how you’ll feel when:       •    You easily slip into all your favorite … Continued

Stressed? 4 Ways to Cope

Are you Stressed? Here are some tips to help you cope: 1) Action relieves anxiety – Do something positive, help someone else, make a ‘to do’ list to organize yourself. 2) Put your energy into what you can control and let go of what you can’t. 3) Surround yourself with positive people, get support. 4) … Continued

What is Shawna 247?

Are you looking for additional support to help you get rid of your menopause belly? I’d LOVE to help you. If there’s any question as to my expertise, you’ll see in the video below that I’m well respected in the industry, the media and I’ve worked with over 50K women. I’ve been getting a lot … Continued