2017 Predictions for YOU

There’s something exciting about a fresh start…You get to forgive yourself and forget the mistakes of the past.   Wouldn’t you just LOVE to finally reach your health goals?   Let me make a prediction for YOUR success in 2017…Just imagine how you’ll feel when:       •    You easily slip into all your favorite … Continued

Stressed? 4 Ways to Cope

Are you Stressed? Here are some tips to help you cope: 1) Action relieves anxiety – Do something positive, help someone else, make a ‘to do’ list to organize yourself. 2) Put your energy into what you can control and let go of what you can’t. 3) Surround yourself with positive people, get support. 4) … Continued

What is Shawna 247?

Are you looking for additional support to help you get rid of your menopause belly? I’d LOVE to help you. If there’s any question as to my expertise, you’ll see in the video below that I’m well respected in the industry, the media and I’ve worked with over 50K women. I’ve been getting a lot … Continued

Goal Setting Fail?

Are you setting a New Year Resolution? Have you ever set a goal and not achieved it? I know a few of you have fallen down – we all have. Can I ask you a favor? Could you please speak as kindly to yourself in the encouraging ways that you would speak to a friend? … Continued

Train Smarter NOT Harder

Sadly I see some very bad things… In the gym that is.  I was squatting the other day and the fella beside was doing something, well, I’m not quite sure what it was. I believe he felt it was a squat, but it looked like a cross between a squat and a good morning…I cringed … Continued

What Can You Do With A Kitchen Towel?

I’ve heard every excuse in the book… •    The dog ate my gym shoes. •    Sweat makes my false eyelashes come off. •    I don’t have any clean workout clothes. •    I just got my hair done. •    I’m going to lose weight first and then start working out. •    I can’t afford a gym … Continued

Should I Eat Before I Workout?

I once was a ‘fasted cardio’ fan, but I’ve since changed my tune. Doing cardio on an empty stomach is popular with physique competitors and bodybuilders striving to get as lean as possible. The theory is that low insulin levels associated with fasting are conducive to fat breakdown, meaning there are more fatty acids available … Continued

Essential Oils to the Rescue

I felt a lil catch in my throat… You know that feeling when you feel that maybe a cold is coming on? What do YOU do? For me, I break out the oil of oregano. I used to think it was just an old wives tale that using essential oils would actually make a difference … Continued

Pee Your Pants? [solution]

Have you experienced a sneezing or laughing attack and then come to realize you’ve pee’d your pants? Most people think this is just part of getting older…It’s one of those touchy intimate subjects that many may complain about and no one thinks there’s a solution. But there actually is something you CAN do about it. The reason you … Continued

5 Simple Tricks to Banish Belly Bloat

You try hard to eat well and get in your workouts, but you still struggle to get the flat belly you long for. You know what to do and even wake up some days with a flat(ter) belly, only to find by mid-day you need to unbutton  your pants to accommodate belly bloat. During the week … Continued