Weekend Routine – How Do I Avoid Sabotaging My Progress?

It’s the weekend! One of the most common issues with women I talk to is how to manage the weekend so that any progress through out the week isn’t sabotaged. The weekend can be a great break from your every day routine, but if maintaining your health is your goal, then it’s important to stick … Continued

One Degree of Change

Don’t try to make too many changes too quickly. Drastic changes typically don’t work. People end up giving up when results don’t come fast enough. Instead…. Focus on 1 degree of change. Think of a cruise ship. If you were to take that massive cruise ship and adjust it’s course by just 1 degree, you … Continued

10 Ways to De-Stress

Stress! What’s it doing to you? How can you de-stress? Cortisol the ‘belly fat storing hormone’ is increased when you’re under stress. I’m sure increased belly fat is NOT a useful way to handle stress for you as it once was. In the caveman days, increased belly fat was a survival mechanism because back then, … Continued

Is it Really Menopause?

Many times menopausal symptoms are confused with symptoms of other health issues. The good news is that you can ‘fix’ these issues and end some of the suffering! Insulin resistance Many women are suffering needlessly because a lot of menopausal symptoms are actually confused with insulin resistance. What is insulin? Insulin is a hormone produced … Continued

Best Exercises for Women 40+

I find that women over 40, when they feel like they should start exercising, sometimes they choose the wrong exercise. It really breaks my heart to go into a big box gym and see every treadmill filled with a woman reading a magazine or watching ‘Friends’ on TV. They’re spending a lot of time and … Continued

Having a bad day? 5 tips to help you cope…

Having a bad day? 5 tips to help you cope… To begin – In my self talk, I only allow myself to have ‘good’ and ‘great’ days. Obviously, some days are better than others, these are the great days. Other days are only ‘good’. If I tell myself I’m having a ‘bad’ day, it just … Continued

#1 Food to Eat to Reduce Belly Fat

Wouldn’t it be great to have a magic bean, pill or potion that you could eat to reduce belly fat? Don’t let anyone sell you any of the above, but if I were asked what the BEST food to eat to reduce belly fat, I’d have the answer so fast it would make your head … Continued

How to Make ‘Someday’ Happen Today

Are there things that you’d like to do but they just never happen? Or maybe you’re so busy with ‘life’ that you continue like a hamster on a wheel just working, sleeping, eating, back to work, back to bed, more eating…on and on. Maybe you can relate? You see, time marches on and if you … Continued