Traveling? Pack These Foods…

Heading to the airport to catch a flight? Or maybe you have a long car ride ahead? You’re bound to be traveling during meal time and there’s no need to cave into to Cinna-bon when you’re prepared. With PLANNING and PREPARATIONS you can be the one in control, not Dunkin’ Donuts. So how do you … Continued

Solution to Mindless Eating

So proud of one of my coaching clients who reported that she implemented the 10 minute rule and HALTSS…. Wonder what that is? The 10 minute rule really just makes you PAUSE before giving into temptation – this works really well when food is calling your name. Instead of immediately giving in – set your … Continued

Why Dieting is Making You Fat…

On a diet? Why eating LESS is doing more harm than good and is killing your metabolism… Join me and Coach Perri Stevens as we discuss the topic of dieting and more on a FB Live… A ‘read it and eat it’ plan is just fine to get you on the road to better eating, … Continued

Self Image and Your Health Goals

How do you see yourself?   Self image is key to health. If you see yourself as fit and healthy, you’re more likely to be that way and maintain that state.   If you’ve constantly been a yo-yo dieter, or have enjoyed good health and then fall off the wagon for months (years) at a … Continued

Why Did I Gain Weight After My Treat Meal?

Did you have a treat meal? Are you freaking out now that the scale says you’ve sabotaged all your hard work from the previous week? Well, you did NOT just gain 2 – 5 lbs of fat… It’s OKAY. Your body will retain some water when you eat extra carbs. When you ingest 1 gram … Continued

UNUSUAL Tips to Handle Stress

Are you stressed?   We all have stress from time to time.   One reason we want to keep stress under wraps is that chronic stress increases the hormone cortisol which is the ‘belly fat storing hormone’.   If you’re interested in losing belly fat, we must keep cortisol under control.   I have three … Continued

To Have What You Want -> Do What You’ve Never Done

Confession: I don’t know it all…. In fact, I’m a work in progess, just like you are. As I write this, I’ll be entering my very first power lifting competition next week. I decided about 5 weeks ago to join both my kids in our first attempt at power lifting. My son, Sam decided to … Continued

Can’t Sleep? 10 Tips

Can’t sleep? 😳 I get it!   Sleep disturbances can be a huge issue for women 40+   Here are ten tips to help you get some 😴💤   1. Prioritize exercise. Consistent exercise will increase your energy levels during the day, improve your mood and improve quality of sleep at night.   2. Make … Continued

Why Diets Don’t Work!

Diets are designed to be temporary. Our bodies tend to adapt to a strict eating plan, but only for short period of time. Dieting can make you despise eating in that particular way, and they CAN’T wait until you don’t have to eat another piece of chicken or broccoli. Often dieters get so discouraged by … Continued

Menopause Mind? 😜

Ever feel like you losing your mind? 😜 Let me explain how your hormones are involved… ⬆⬇🔄Changes in estrogen and progesterone may cause mood swings. Because… Memory, concentration, and mood are all impacted by our hormone levels. 😱Progesterone drops and this can cause irritability… 😴You may feel tired, depressed, irritable or struggle with memory concerns … Continued