Office ‘Movement Snack’

Stuck at the office with no time to workout? You can still get a ‘movement snack’ in! Do this little ‘snack’ at your desk when you start to feel your energy lag… 5-7 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)… 5 incline burpees (counter top or seat of a chair) 5 incline push ups 5 … Continued

Travel ‘Movement Snack’

If you don’t mind making a scene, you can this movement snack anywhere! Airport lounge, hotel room, waiting room, line ups… Once I had two other people do this movement snack with me in an airport lounge! If you can count to 10, you’ll see the pattern, each set adds up to 10… Count up/down … Continued

How to Safely Increase the Weights You Lift

How do you increase the weight you lift when one DB is too heavy and the next one is too light? Simple – it’s called ‘going down the rack’. *And you don’t need an entire rack of DB’s to use this principle. Use a heavier DB for 4-5 perfect form reps, then when your form … Continued

Can’t Sleep? Try This

Can’t sleep? We all go through periods of sleeplessness, especially in menopause! Supplementing with magnesium can help! But there are many kinds of magnesium, so what’s the best source for sleep? My favorite magnesium is Magnesium L-Threonate. In addition to helping with sleep, it can be protective against cognitive decline. Magnesium threonate is a more … Continued

Use a Bed Sheet to Train Your Back At Home

Training your back at home can be a challenge. Guess what? You can use a simple bed sheet secured in a door to do body weight rows. *Make sure you have the knot of the bed sheet on the inside of the door so the door doesn’t accidentally open into you. Grab the ends of … Continued

Red Wine to Reduce Menopausal Symptoms?

It’s true! The compound: resveratrol found in red wine can reduce menopausal symptoms. BUT, you’d have to drink 3L of wine to get the benefits from red wine alone. This type of consumption is NOT a healthy option – as fun as that may seem! So, don’t use the resveratrol excuse to chug bottles of … Continued

The 6 Week Summer Meltdown

Registration is now open for the next 6 week Summer Meltdown. (If you see ‘join the waiting list’, sorry, you missed out) Curious what people have to say about working with me? Here are just a few of my clients: I only have 10 spots available. I keep the group very small because you get … Continued

Why Fiber?

NO single food can balance your hormones. But especially if you’re a woman experiencing symptoms of menopause, including 25g of fiber a day can certainly help with many things: increased insulin sensitivity feeling fuller longer promotes healthy digestion improves gut health (possible) reduction in depression reduced hot flashes reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes & … Continued

Park Pull Up Progression

If you want a strong back but don’t have any equipment, I’ve got you! Go to your local park and use this pull up progression. *Obviously it will take some time to build up the strength to the last step, but it’s possible to learn a pull up without ANY equipment. Here you go: Start … Continued