Go Caveman! How and Why

I wanted to share with you an article by my good friend Ron Holland. He’s a long time trainer with a long list of credentials. I love his ideas on diet (because they agree with mine!). Let me know what you think, comments are always welcome. I’ll get an interview up soon that I did … Continued

Audio Interview #1: Sam Bakhtiar

My good friend and fitness expert Sam Bakhtiar gives his best advice for female fat loss over 40. Sam is a doctor of chiropractic medicine, an accomplished bodybuilder, but more importantly a fitness transformation expert. He owns Fitness Concepts Private Training Facility in Chino Hills, CA, and his passion is to get results for his … Continued

Leg and Back Toning TRX Workout

I did this workout on my vacation and then decided it would be a great one to share with you. I wanted to include options for those of you that don’t have a TRX. So if all you have is dumb bells, you’re in luck. You’ll see the DB options listed as you go through … Continued

Building Confidence and Self Esteem

Have you thought about this before? Are you a confident person? Why? What helps you build confidence and self esteem? Can you change your programming? Check out this video from Yuri. And be sure to get more free info here. Your thoughts?

The Secret to Fitness Motivation

More from my friend Yuri! What motivates you to get and stay fit? (We’d love to hear about your motivation in the comment section.) Aaand, make sure to go here to get more free info from Yuri.

How to Set Powerful Goals

I wanted to introduce a colleague, Yuri Elkaim to you. He’s got a lot of great information to share that will help you with your fitness and fat loss journey. His angle is a little different. He’s not going to talk to you about exactly the right portion sizes or the perfect exercise, he’s going … Continued

Cardio-Core Ab Circuit

Yes, that’s me at the top, just a little dot… This wasn’t my plan. (Note to self: stay upright on a 35 ft cliff jump!) You might not be able to see in the video, but my left leg is black and blue. Turns out that when you cliff jump, you should try to go

Cookies to “Di” For

I got such a response from everyone when I said that I ‘fell off the wagon’ I promised I’d post the recipe for these crazy good cookies. You can find it here. You’re gonna find out why I ate pretty much this entire plate (well, not quite) and you’re gonna find some other really cool … Continued

TRX Ab Circuit Idea

This is a killer ab circuit for those of you that have a TRX. I must say that I”m not one to plug a product, but if you’re looking for something that you can use practically anywhere, this is the best piece of equipment to invest in. It takes a bit of time to get … Continued