Do it Yourself Personal Training

I’ll be the first to tell you that you need to consult an expert when it comes to your fitness and fat loss program. And I’ll also say that you’ve found the best: me. I know that’s a little arrogant, but seriously, I am the best at what I do and that’s why you’re on … Continued

Can you do a pull up?

Can you do a pull up? Not even many men can do a pull up. Wouldn’t it be super impressive to be able to hit the play ground with your kids and knock off a few? The key to learning how to do a pull up is to work the ‘eccentric’ contraction. That is, help … Continued

Bikini Beach Workout

    Can you beat a bikini workout? I”m super impressed with my clients for stepping up to the challenge to ‘train anywhere’! It started with the ‘airport workouts’. Then Kelly asked strangers to take pictures of him doing push ups in London Square. And now my super assistant, Krista, is turning heads in the … Continued

Female Fat Loss Over 40

Are you interested in female fat loss? I know what it’s like to feel great in my own skin and I want you to feel your best too. This won’t happen unless you make it happen. I’m all about being pro-active to take control of your body and your life.   Female Fat Loss Over … Continued

Fashion Flash

My favorite bloggers have lots to offer. Check it out here. Or here: *  The Shoe Dish is taking off her heels to expore the wide world of casual shoes for  for the outdoor enthusiast.  Check out their favorite finds for casual comfort shoes  that are as cool as they are comfy. * Female … Continued

Lose the Knee Pain

Don’t Let Knee Pain keep you from reaching your fitness goals. Below in the video is my good friend, and Knee Expert, Rochelle. She walks us through 2 great exercises that can be done anywhere.

Carbohydrate Confusion

Carbohydrate Confusion There’s lots of information and MIS-information or half truths out there. One of the misleading topics is the issue of carbohydrates: carbs are good, carbs are bad, avoid carbs, don’t avoid carbs…on and on. Diabetes is on the rise. As well, there are many that are ‘border line’ diabetic and their doctor may … Continued

Challenge Workout!

The challenge is on! Who can beat super camper Kelly Scott? Here’s something  to do while you are in London!  One of my long time campers,  Kelly was so inspired by my airport workouts that he took it a step further & asked complete strangers to take pictures of him doing different exercises while traveling … Continued

Dieting? A Simple Plan

When it comes to diet, nothing seems to be simple these days. The media often complicates matters as advertisers compete for your dieting dollar. Truth is, no one really wants you to succeed in weight loss. It’s a multi billion dollar biz. Me on the other hand, I WANT you to succeed at weight loss, … Continued

Fashion Flash!

My fav bloggers have lots of goodies for you this morning… You can check them out here: You’ll find spring sandals to battling belly fat to anti aging tips  to jewelry trends. These bloggers live in our shoes and write about relevant stuff. Check it out.