Are You Tough Enough?

Tracy provided this killer workout at boot camp a little while ago, and as promised, she sent it my way to pass on to you. Here goes: Take breaks along the way. You can need to complete the total number of reps, but you can break down the items and come back to them to … Continued

Knee Pain and Over 40 Women

My good friend and fellow fitness expert Rick Kaselj interviews me about how to handle knee pain and squatting. You can check out my program at or CLICK HERE. You can check out Rick’s program at or CLICK HERE.

Ready to Lose Fat in 14 Days?

I know how much you want to get fit and lose fat. And I know that time is of the essence. How would you like to drop pounds and fit into your clothes better in just 14 days? If you can’t make it to my boot camp, then this is your BEST option to make … Continued

Need to drop pounds at home?

I had a feeling I was going to get a bunch of people who were interested in my new 14 Day Fat Flush program, but I had no idea it was going to sell out in only two days. I originally had 15 spots open, and since the email this past Wednesday I totally sold … Continued

Last Call, 3 spots left (hurry)

I had a feeling I was going to get a bunch of people who were interested in my new 14 Day Fat Flush  program, but I had no idea it was going to sell out in only two days. I originally had 15 spots open, and since the email this past Wednesday I only have … Continued

6 Minute Ab Series

Need to hit those abs? Here’s a six minute ab series that you can follow along with to really hit the core. The key to strong abs is to always think about pulling the tummy in towards the spine. In what ever ab move you’re doing, make sure that you don’t let your belly distend … Continued

Flush the Fat in 14 Days

A couple days ago I sent you an email telling you about the new rapid fat loss program I stumbled upon while working with a few of my training clients. Since that email on Monday I’ve been flooded with emails from folks who want to join my 14 Day Fat Flush “beta” program so I … Continued

Pre-Holiday Weight Loss?

I’ve stumbled upon something pretty significant recently while working with several of my clients who wanted to achieve faster fat loss. This new discovery I made proved to be pretty amazing at melting fat off the body. It’s a combination of working out in a short burst, high intensity kind of way and a manipulation … Continued

Fitness Gimmicks and Gadgets: Be Aware

Everyone wants a quick fix for fitness and fat loss (or any problem for that matter). If you’re looking at fitness and specifically infomercials for fitness related products, be way. Infomercials are specifically designed. First, they want to find your pain: what’s bothering you? What’s your problem? What keeps you up at night? Then they’ll … Continued

Win a Spot in Shawna 24/7

Have you heard about my successful program called Shawna 24/7? You’ll be hearing more about it in the future as I’ll be running it again January 2011. How would you like a trainer around the clock? Me in your back pocket to help you meet your fitness and fat loss goals? How would you like … Continued