Fashion Flash

It’s Fashion Flash  Monday and I have some cool stuff for you: Catherine of Obsessed with Shoes knows her footwear and this week  she spotlights  the trend to bright colors with  to-die-for  pumps from Charlotte Olympia. Black Cat Plus in celebration of Earth Day 2011 profiles several  well known designers including Diane Kennedy, Neon Buddha and Pure & Co … Continued

Over Forty Supplements

My good friend, expert and fellow Canuck, Rob King and I have to go to South Cali to meet. He’s from Newfoundland, a 4.5 hour time difference and too many miles to count away. I look forward to seeing him every time we get together at conferences. He’s typically Canadian – sweet, humble, super fun … Continued

Supplements for Female Fat Loss Over 40

Here’s me and my good friend Rob King at our last big conference: Rob has been in the fitness industry for many years and has a ton of knowledge in so many areas. I got him to share a bit of info with you about supplements. I want to remind you that we’ve provided links … Continued

Fashion Flash

Every Monday I have tips from these special experts and today you get to meet each of them: Staness Jonekos, creator of The Menopause Makeover, shares 15 tips to nourish your spirituality. Running shoes aren’t a fashion statement. They need to support your feet! Have a listen as Shawna K (that’s me!) interviews an expert on the … Continued

Do You Get Knee Pain When You Squat?

I wanted to tap into my good friend and expert on knee pain, Rick Kaselj. He’s a personal trainer in Vancouver, Canada that specializes in designing exercise programs for clients recovering from injuries.  Rick has trained thousands of clients and completed his Master’s of Science degree focusing on injury recovery.  Rick shares with other fitness … Continued

10 At-Home Fat Burning Workouts

My good friend and mentor, Craig Ballantyne has a ton of knowledge I love to tap into. If you need workout ideas, he’s definitely a ‘go to’ person. If you don’t have an ‘at home’ program, then I highly recommend his. My home program is awesome too, but you can’t have enough resources, especially at … Continued

Fashion Flash

Some cool stuff for you today ladies…Check out this link: Here you’ll find: One shoulder dresses are a glamorous new trend that many women are finding tricky to accessorize.  To find out what jewelry to wear and not to wear with a one shoulder dress, visit Fabulous After 40. Staness Jonekos, creator of The … Continued

Tips for Your First Pull Up

Can you do a pull up? Not many people can. Wouldn’t it be super impressive to be able to hit the play ground this summer and knock off a few? It takes practice and a bit of finesse to figure out how to recruit the right muscles to do your first pull up. After you’ve … Continued

Sore Knee Solutions

Are your knees sore? Are you avoiding certain exercises due to sore knees? Many of my clients avoid squats and lunges completely and I’m here to say you’re making a mistake.   Thankfully, I’m not the only one who thinks this. My good friend and exercise rehab specialist, Rick Kaselj and I agree.