Body Weight Squat Challenge

If you’re interested in a full body workout done in a measly 3 minutes, then this ones for you. This is a squat challenge, but believe me, the squat is actually a full body metabolically challenging exercise that you’ll feel everywhere when you’re done. The title of this workout is a little misleading…you won’t be … Continued

Bum Tabatta

Here’s a cool circuit that we did at boot camp. I really shouldn’t call this a ‘tabatta’ cuz a tabatta implies that you get a short rest. In this interval, we do the timing of a regular tabatta (20 sec of work, 10 sec of rest), but you don’t get any rest. This is a … Continued

From Couch Potato to Tri-athlete

Are you feeling like a couch potato? Feeling like you have no hope for feeling good in your own skin? Here’s one of my client’s story. I’ll bet you can relate. She’s a great example of someone who just made the decision to get fit and get her body back. I’m so proud to have … Continued

Train at Home Wonder – Judy Hill

Sometimes you have friends that become clients and sometimes clients become friends. Then there are ghosts that come from your past to surprise you. Judy Hill is one of those ghosts… I actually went to Junior High and High School with Judy and we were in the same circle of friends for years. Imagine my … Continued

Human Flag Challenge

It’s fun to find a challenge. Maybe this blog is challenging you to workouts that you’ve never done before. I like challenges too. I found the human flag challenge on the internet. It seemed to me that only skater dudes were able to do it, or at least attempt one. I tried to find a … Continued

Fashion Flash

Every Monday I  share with you  cutting edge topics with a Fashion Flash group of bloggers. But who are all these experts? Check them out here: Make up/ Beauty  Expert, Kari  from Fab Over Forty : Check out her topic that asks the question, as you age does it seem  like your hair loses its … Continued

Continuous Abs Circuit

Looking for a great core workout? This is a great 10 minute circuit that you can do on it’s own or throw in with some HIIT. The key is to only take a 5 second break or transition between exercises. Keep going, rest when you have to and join in with  my boot campers when … Continued

Vaporize Your Fat: 10 Tips to a Leaner You

Fat loss = rocket science NOT! You’d be surprised at how a little knowledge and common sense can go a long way to reducing your waistline. It’s NOT rocket science or brain surgery. It’s consistently applying these simple tips that will help you meet your fat loss goals. Remember that you likely didn’t gain those … Continued

50 Pull Up Challenge

The pull up is one of the most challenging exercises that there is. It’s most impressive to see anyone do multiple pull up reps.                       The prime mover for the pull up is the latissimus dorsi. The secondary movers and stabilizers for the pull up … Continued

I Love Me

I look in the mirror and sometimes lament my age. That is, at times I see years on my face and I feel my age in my knees. The desire to go back to my former self, say 20 years ago can be a temptation. As much as I’d like knees that were under the … Continued