Inside Challenge Workouts – Interview

  I recently was interviewed by ‘Exercises for Injury’ expert, Rick Kaselj. You can listen in here:  Inside-Challenge-Workouts-with-Shawna-Kaminski. Here’s what you’ll learn in the interview on Challenge Workouts: Common injuries that the Challenge Workout community gets when they push themselves Few tips on how to avoid injuries when doing workouts where you push yourself An … Continued

Why You Should Do Cardio…

I’m not a runner… The closest I came to being a runner was doing a 5 km run in an event that used to be here in Calgary. The event was called the ‘Toughest Calgarian Alive’. I’ll tell you this story because it’s the closest thing I have to a story about a run. (And you’ll … Continued

How to Burn More Fat in Less Time

Who’s interested in wearing a bathing suit this summer? Shorts? A short sleeved tank top? C’mon, don’t tell me you’re fine in your turtleneck (we all don’t live in freezing climates…) Understand that to get something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done before. I know that many of you are … Continued

How to Burn More Fat in Less Time

Don’t tell me that dong challenge workouts is your only challenge. If I were to take a survey, my guess is 95% of you (me included) find it a challenge to be at their ideal weight. Who doesn’t want to be a lean, mean pull up machine? So, with that in mind, I turn you … Continued

Playground Workout Finisher

Too old to hit the playground? I say ‘never’! Move over kids, it’s my turn on those monkey bars! My friend, Mike Whitfield (introduced on the blog many times, but most recently you may have read his story of inspiration here) gave me this cool finisher that you can do on a playground. It could … Continued

Playground Workout

Spring is around the corner and it’s wishful thinking that I can train outside soon. You can still see snow in the backyards of this video, but if I wait for better weather, I’ll be waiting a long time around my neck of the woods. I know that lots of you would have occasion to … Continued

Challenging Yourself to Finish Strong

Remember Big Mike? We did a challenge workout here. Mike is a great sport. Mike also has an interesting story. He’s actually lost over 100 lbs, he’s got a perspective about weight loss that I will never have since I’ve never been over weight. He’s an inspiration really. Here’s someone that had trouble climbing a … Continued

Challenging Yourself to Finish Strong

I’ve introduced you to my friend Mike Whitfield on the blog before. He’s one of the coolest dudes around. He has a great sense of humor and a whole lotta smarts. Especially when it comes to effective fat loss. Mike has come from a place where I’ve never been. He’s actually lost over 100 lbs. … Continued

Do Sit Ups Burn Belly Fat?

Who doesn’t want a defined and toned mid section?   Of course we all want the elusive six pack abs, or at the very least a toned tummy. Admittedly, a side benefit of doing challenging workouts is the body transformation that comes along with them. I love that I can do a fun and challenging … Continued

Do Sit Ups Burn Belly Fat?

Who doesn’t want a defined and toned mid section?   Of course we all want the elusive six pack abs, or at the very least a toned tummy.   Sadly, you may have fallen prey to ridiculous ab contraptions that promise to burn off the flub and give you toned abs in less than 5 … Continued