Menopausal Women’s Exercise Prescription

Want to increase your health span? No one wants to live LONGER unless you have QUALITY of life, right? So you should be exercising TODAY to invest in your future self… Now I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed with this prescription – it’s a LOT. If you can manage ANY part of this, you’re … Continued

The Truth About Weight Loss in Menopause

‘Weight loss’ can occur but at the cost of lean muscle. Does your scale says you’ve lost lean muscle? Firstly, are you measuring your weight & body fat daily under similar circumstances? If so, then ask yourself: Am I resistance training? Are my calories too low? Am I including enough protein in my diet? These … Continued

Menopause Reality Check

What are you waiting for? When you consider that you’ll spend up to HALF your life experiencing the effects of menopause… There’s no time like the present to discover ways to manage the symptoms. Stop suffering. Start living. I can help, let’s talk: You’d be surprised at how SIMPLE lifestyle changes can change your … Continued

Another Reason to Strength Train in Menopause

Need another reason to resistance train in menopause? When you exercise, your muscles contract making them more able to take up glucose from the blood stream. This increases your body’s ability to use insulin effectively. Why is this important? Insulin controls the level of sugar (glucose) in your blood. Problems arise when your body can’t … Continued

Slow Down Aging with This…

Don’t be afraid to be a beginner… Especially where sport or exercise are concerned. The benefits for healthy aging are so abundantly clear. As I age, I’m going to just keep pushing. I hope you’re doing the same… Is there something you want to do? What are you waiting for? If not now, when? If … Continued

What To Do When Temptation Strikes…

No willpower? There’s nothing wrong with you. Willpower just isn’t enough. You’ll give into temptation eventually, when you’re tired or starving. Consider a Plan B or a ‘If this…then that…’ scenario… If I’m tempted by (insert guilty pleasure), then I will: set a timer for 5 min to think about goals go for a walk … Continued

I Was Embarrassed…

Have you ever NOT wanted to post a picture? I struggled with posting this… I had the BEST day kayaking in the sunshine, but I wasn’t happy with how I looked or felt in my bikini. Thankfully at the wise old age of 60, I didn’t let it bother me (until I saw pictures). Side … Continued

How to Delay Dying

Some things should be put off – like death! You can do this by implementing a few simple habits. One of which is walking. If walking is available to you, it can be done anywhere and it’s FREE. The sweet spot is 8K steps per day that has been shown to improve strength and balance … Continued

How THIS 60 Year Old Trains…

You don’t need to do what I do… But I hope you’re doing some exercise you love. A non-negotiable, especially for women, is resistance training. PMCID: PMC4035379 PMCID: PMC3117172 If this isn’t something you’re currently doing, it can be a challenge to get started. I can help. I’ve got a summer program that includes both … Continued

Cheat Code for Weight Loss in Menopause

Think weight lose is impossible in menopause, try this… Eat 30-40g of protein for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Prioritize protein & load up on veggies at each meal. Protein will keep you fuller longer. Stick with this for at least 30 days & you’ll notice that you have more energy & less jiggle in your … Continued