Friday Q and A Jan 4, 2013

I regularly get many questions about doing a ‘cleanse’ and so I put these questions to my friend, Yuri. He’s a holistic nutritionist and he’s my ‘go to’ for this sort of thing. Here are the questions he answers in the video: Why should I do a cleanse? I have a ‘clean’ diet. Do I … Continued

To Cleanse or Not to Cleanse?

I regularly get many questions about doing a ‘cleanse’ and so I put these questions to my friend, Yuri. He’s a holistic nutritionist and he’s my ‘go to’ for this sort of thing. Even if you don’t want to do a cleanse, here are 3 toxic foods to avoid. Here’s a video of Yuri discussing … Continued

Sunny Day Grilled Chicken

Serve this delicious grilled chicken at your next barbecue. The honey-mustard glaze has a wonderful tangy flavor. Remember to add healthy side dishes for a summer meal that will satisfy without weighing you down. Servings: 6 Here’s what you need… 4 Tablespoons honey 4 Tablespoons spicy mustard 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel 2 teaspoons low-sodium … Continued

Celery Sticks with Roasted-Garlic Hummus

Celery Sticks with Roasted-Garlic Hummus Servings: 4 Here’s what you need… 2 garlic cloves, peeled 15 oz can cooked garbanzo beans, drained 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 8 stalks celery, cut into thick slices 1 teaspoon olive oil 4 tablespoons water salt and cracked black pepper to taste 1 teaspoon dried parsley 1. Preheat … Continued

Post Holiday Cleanse?

I wanted to share this from my friend and fellow Canadian, Yuri Elkaim. He really knows what he’s talking about…. PS. Just a little ‘cleanse’ humor before I turn it over to Yuri… 3 Post-Holiday Cleansing Strategies For a Healthier 2013 By Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN Pants a little tight after all that festive … Continued

Fashion Flash Dec 31st, 2012

It’s the last Fashion Flash of the 2012. Check out what my favorite bloggers have to say before you head out for your celebration! Happy New Year’s to you! CLICK HERE Have you ever wondered how female body builders age? How menopause affects them? How do they keep fit after 40 or 50 and beyond? … Continued

Metabolic (video) Mayhem

Friends do things for friends, even if they don’t want too… I didn’t understand Ben’s reluctance when I asked him to do a video of one of his workouts for me. I do videos all the time and so do several of my other fitness friends…how was I to know that Ben just ‘didn’t do’ … Continued

2013 Health Bulletin

Click this link to read:  2013-Health_Report (You can open and save to your computer, you don’t have to supply an email.)

2013- Starting It Off Right

January is the time most people start to make resolutions to self improvement. Have you thought about it yet? I thought I’d get you thinking before the ‘big night’ and champagne clouded your judgement 😉 Guess what? Now is NOT the time to do this. While everyone else is making grand promises that won’t last … Continued

Q and A Dec 28th, 2012

  Question: There are lots of workouts with pull ups, like the 15-10-5 workout. What can I substitute for pull ups since I can’t do them yet? Maria Answer: Maria, great question! There are lots of options (I’ll add them to the Q and A). How about an assisted pull up? Can you do an … Continued