Bad Ass Training

I recently presented at Fitness Business Summit 2013. It’s a gathering of over 500 trainers looking for ways to help their clients with their fitness. I was pretty honored to be able to share some knowledge about best practices in running boot camps. Like there wasn’t enough pressure to get on stage, (you know to … Continued

Snowy Day Workout

This is what I have to look forward to some days here in Calgary…. I love what I call my ‘egg chair’ that is nestled in this window. It’s just me and Mac (book) on a Saturday or Sunday morning. When the weather is frightful outside, I cozy up and plug away at my laptop. … Continued

Q and A March 8th, 2013

  I keep getting questions about hanging leg raises… Question: Why do my hip flexors hurt when I do hanging leg raises? Answer: It appears that your hip flexors are the weak link in the chain. Support the legs at the bottom of the movement and work on rocking the hips. Check out the video … Continued

Easy Tuna Salad

This recipe takes protein filled tuna and adds fresh ingredients to turn it into a healthy tuna salad. Unlike many tuna salad recipes, this one doesn’t call for dressings or mayonnaise that add undesirable fats. Have this for lunch or dinner, and keep it lean by skipping the bread and eating it straight from a … Continued

Healthy Orange Chicken and Green Beans

Here’s a recipe that adds fruit to dinner and takes all the guilt out of orange-flavored chicken. There’s no sugar and no fryer involved. Just skinless, boneless chicken breast, marinated in orange juice, pan seared and then baked. Serve it up with orange-spiked green beans for a nutritious, protein-packed meal. Servings: 4 Here’s what you … Continued

Fashion Flash March 4th, 2013

 I’m proud to be a part of this terrific group of women and I know you’ll enjoy them as much as I do. Check out the flash HERE Enjoy! From ”Melt stress with Mirabai Holland’s simple breathing technique.”       From “A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that … Continued

Bench Press and Shoulder Pain

I love to bench press. It’s one of my favorite lifts but on occasion, I experience shoulder pain. I have some tips for you from my ‘Mr Fix It’ guy, Rick Kaselj. In this video, he explains how to avoid shoulder pain when bench pressing. First of all, when you unrack the bar, create a … Continued

Gluten Free Pancakes

A new kitchen, almost done, just the back splash to go. Seriously I’m in trouble now…no excuse NOT to learn better cooking skills. So, I’m on a mission to be a better cook. More on that later… I was supposed to be in Michigan to help my friend, “Mr. Finisher”,  Mike Whitfield film his 2.0 … Continued

How to Make a Burpee More Fun ;)

I’m happy to report that the New Year’s resolutions that gym goers declared January 1st seem to still be in effect. (At least in my gym anyway). Good for them, bad for me… When I train, I tend to hog a lot of equipment. I managed to do this in my own private gym for … Continued

Q and A March 1st, 2013

  Question: I can not do the hanging leg raises because I have no grip strength at all, what do you suggest? Answer: You can do these with a band too. Use the band to take some of your body weight. Don’t worry about doing the leg raise yet, work on taking your body weight … Continued