Do I Look Fat in This?

Are you choosing clothes from the fat side of the closet? Do you dress in the dark? If you’re not comfortable in your own skin, it’s not too late to do something about it. I had the good fortune to try on all kinds of sweet lil dresses at a local boutique and it reminded … Continued

Easy Weight Loss Hack

Food tracking increases awareness & intentionality but can be cumbersome. So here’s an easy option to food track. Use the free app ‘See How You Eat’. You take pics of meals & snacks & it’s organized daily. It’s this easy accountability that creates awareness & intention to your eating. And any habit that you can … Continued

Weight Loss Is Like Waiting for Spring

Impatient with weight loss? Just like spring eventually follows winter. Trust science that weight loss will happen when you do the right things. There are things happening below the surface metabolically that aren’t visible right away. Consistency & persistence are important. Hang in there! You got this! Happy to help! Let’s talk here:

My Diagnosis

So I’ve got it…. It’s called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. It sounds a little like something from Harry Potter without the whimsical magic 😉 What does my diagnosis has to do with you? Skim down to the ‘important for you’ bullets if you don’t have time to read this entire blog post… I had some routine blood work … Continued

Travel Tips

Travel delays? Ug. It happens…. Here are some tips to make it a happier experience… Pack your attitude – Decide what kind of traveler you’ll be… Prioritize your health & think of how you’ll support it on the road… Stress is a killer – travel delays can make you crazy, so let it go as … Continued

Pain & Inflammation? [Solution!]

😫Do you have pain & inflammation? ❓Have you tried CBD? ⭐️There are some amazing health benefits to topical or sublingual CBD products. 🌱Consider getting a product made from hemp so that there is no TCH or psychoactive properties. ✖️That is, there is NO high associated with these products. ✅CBD has been approved by the World … Continued

Never Too Old!

If you think you’re too old 👵🏻 to be your best self, may I be so bold as to say that you’re mistaken?… 🛑 If you feel you’ve ‘tried everything’ with no results, just wait. 💃🏼Meet my 64 year old client. ✨She is an inspiration and has wise words to share. 🗣She says… ✨I think anyone can do … Continued

Magic Potion? Apple Cider Vinegar

Do you believe in magic?… Apple cider vinegar is as close to any sort of magic potion that I’d ever believe in. Here are 11 every day uses… 1. Mouthwash – Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 1/4 cup of water. Swish it around in your mouth for 15 to 20 seconds and … Continued

How Do We Get Fat?

💥Ever wonder how we get fat? There may be a multitude of reasons why the process happens… BUT, there’s actually a simple metabolic process that causes us to store fat that’s pretty much the same for everyone [stick with me]. 1️⃣High blood glucose elicits the release of the hormone insulin. 2️⃣This speeds the uptake of … Continued