No Excuses – Do Anywhere Workout

Here’s a sample of a 5 exercises that you can ‘do anywhere’. Exercises: Jump rope (double unders or single skips) DB snatch Toes to bar Push up Pistol squat (or bodyweight squat) No jump rope? Do squat jumps. No DB? Do a burpee. No pull up bar? Do a hollow rock or spider crawl. Pistol … Continued

10 Minute Bodyweight Workout

Not much time to workout? No problem. Even if you only have 10 minutes, this is an ideal full body workout. This seems like a simple enough workout, but trust me, you’ll get a sweat on with a quickness. All you need is your body weight, a timer and a jump rope (or swap in … Continued

Airport Delay Workout….

What do you do when your flight is delayed 4 hours? Obviously bust out your jump rope… I couldn’t sit another second. Delay after delay in the San Fransisco airport had me and the rest of the passengers frustrated. Many succumbed to the water, ‘Cheez It’ and ‘Famous Amos’ cookies offered to us after our … Continued

40+ and Sore Knees? [Solution]

Sore knees? Many women tell me that they can’t exercise because they have sore knees….is this you? The fact is, you need your knees to be strong and healthy. It’s not just about exercise, it’s about being functional. You’ll want strong legs for more than exercise, you’ll want strong legs to be able to sit … Continued

Workout Consistency Solution!

Do you have a hard time staying consistent with your workouts? Women are the caregivers of the world! We take care of others often before ourselves and this sometimes gets in the way of self care. We need to remember that we can best serve our loved ones when we love ourselves too. Taking a … Continued

Happy Birthday to Me – Challenge

It was my 54th birthday… Back story, when I turned 50, I thought it would be cool to do 50 pull ups in under 5 minutes… …4 years later, I thought I’d try the same challenge (except well, I’m 4 years older so I had to do more pull ups).  I attempted to do 54 pull ups … Continued

Why You Do NOT Need to Do Cardio….

Many women mistakenly believe that they need to ‘do cardio’ to burn fat and to train the cardiovascular system. In an effort to stay fit and lose belly fat, they spend hours ‘jogging’ or doing steady state low intensity exercise on treadmills, elliptical machines and stationary bikes. You couldn’t be further from the truth. While … Continued

Your AMAZING body…(your BEST fatloss tool)

As women we need to do strength training. Building some muscle boosts our metabolism, aids in fat loss and sculpts a great shape!   Yet, most women offer reasons for why they’re still not strength training including lack of time to get to the gym, the intimidation factor of all those machines at the gym, … Continued

The Super Hero of Fat Burners

This is Joel Marion and me. I’ve known Joel for a couple of years now. And you may know him too. He’s the author of several highly successful programs including ‘Cheat Your Way Thin’and ‘Extreme Fat Loss Diet’ to name a few. Joel isn’t the super hero of this post, he just writes about the … Continued

Pull Up Controversy

What’s your purpose for doing pull ups? Is it quantity or quality? Strength development? Physique enhancement? Maximum reps? What type of pull ups do you think are best for strength development and physique enhancement? I’m all about ‘controlled cheating’ when learning how to do pull ups. I encourage ‘some’ cheating to get your chest UNDER … Continued