Quick Workout to Get Beautifully Strong and Sculpted Arms

Want a quick little workout sample to get you strong and ROCK a sleeveless blouse? 👊🏻💪🏻😀 Especially if you want to increase your push up strength, this is a perfect little workout that you can add to the end of your My Bikini Belly workout or any other workout. ➡Set a timer for 10 minutes, … Continued

Bad Hair – Good Hotel Workout

I’m at an event learning from experts how to help YOU more effectively and I have two messages for you today: 1. Surround yourself with smarter people than yourself 🤓 2. Always find time to move 😅 Here’s how I started my day: With bad hair but a good workout 😉… ➡️20 double unders, single … Continued

5 Fitness Mistakes Beginners Make

Are you scared to jump into something new? Me too! Here are 5 mistakes beginners make when getting into fitness… ➡ Doing too much too soon – Remember to take it easy when you start a fitness plan. ✅ Go 50% to start to avoid too much muscle soreness and avoid injury. ➡Weight loss is the focus/motivation … Continued

Should I do ‘cardio’ to burn fat?

Should I do ‘cardio’ to burn fat? Short answer ➡️ No! ✖️Steady state cardio is one of the least effective fat burning methods. ✖️Time consuming. ✖️Increases lower body repetitive use injuries. ✖️Doesn’t address the core or upper body muscles. ✖️Boring (my bias!) ✖️Causes frustrations when results don’t come. What’s an alternative fat burning method? ✅Do metabolic … Continued

Best Exercises for Women 40+

I find that women over 40, when they feel like they should start exercising, sometimes they choose the wrong exercise. It really breaks my heart to go into a big box gym and see every treadmill filled with a woman reading a magazine or watching ‘Friends’ on TV. They’re spending a lot of time and … Continued

Sunday Stretch Session

Impromptu Stretch Sesh FB Live – A little stretch recovery sesh 😊 It’s not ALL about the workouts, it’s about active recovery too. I find that doing 1-2 extended stretch sessions per week really helps my mobility and recovery. It’s important to have a healthy balance between being strong and being flexible – you can’t … Continued

Summer Sizzler Back Yard Body Weight Workout

Here’s a follow along backyard bodyweight workout to do anywhere. Don’t let summer holidays or the inability to get to the ‘gym’ stop you from having a great workout. This 16 min bodyweight workout will hit your entire body in no time flat. Here’s what you’ll do… Set a timer for 45 seconds of work … Continued

4 Stretches to Offset Sitting at Your Desk All Day

If you sit at a desk all day long, no doubt you feel a little stiff and sore. Typically, ‘desk sitters’ experience tight hip and tightness through the chest, shoulders and neck. Even if you don’t work at a desk, our lifestyle nowadays has most of our shoulders hunched forward from computer work, driving and … Continued

How to Enjoy a Holiday Without Weight Gain

Do you have a holiday planned? I hope so. Taking a break from your every day life re-energizes you and you deserve it! No one wants to return from holidays with a few extra pounds. Right now I’m in Mexico at the most amazing all-inclusive resort on a ‘work function’ (yes it’s a tough life) … Continued

Self Massage – Quick Foam Rolling Tutorial

It would be fantastic to have a massage every day, but who has the time or the finances for that? The good news is that you can self massage using a roller to ease muscle soreness. In this video, I show you how to use the roller for your back, glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads … Continued