Favorite Quote to Avoid Overeating

This quote has saved me hundreds of calories of overeating: “Never Starving – Never Stuffed”. Getting too hungry makes it more difficult to make healthy choices. And when starving, you can eat too quickly & overeat. It takes your belly about 20 min to tell your brain that it’s full – so STOP eating before … Continued


Sick of starving? Or the starve & binge cycle? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to eat your favourite foods? And still be able to lose the weight & keep it off? It’s possible. Even in menopause. With no fad diets, pills, powders or potions. It just takes a little know-how and consistent effort. … Continued

Start Your Day This Way

Start your day with these simple things… 1. Sunshine (real or artificial light) will help to regulate your body clock for better sleep. 2. Protein will help energize you & keep you fuller longer. 3. Motion is lotion! Even 5 minutes of easy movement will ease joint pain & help you feel more energized. 4. … Continued

Hate Exercise? Do This

If you hate exercise, find the thing you hate the least! Weight loss only occurs in a calorie deficit, but instead of eating less, why not do more? Enter NEAT: non-activity thermogenesis. This includes walking (& all the other active things you do in your day). Simply adding more daily steps can create a calorie … Continued

These Two Habits Are Killing Your Sleep

These two habits are killing your sleep! One – your light exposure is backwards. You need lots of light in the morning to set your body clock. Instead, you’re getting more light close to bed from TV & devices. Two – you have irregular sleep habits. You confuse your body by staying up late & … Continued

How to Get Back on Track

It’s just one meal at a time… There’s no real catastrophic failure if you mess up. And if (or WHEN) you mess up, FAIL SMALL. There’s always the next meal or snack to get back on track. You can do it! I can help, let’s talk: https://tinyurl.com/talktoshawna

When You Stop Your Keto Diet…

Sorry (not sorry) to the keto lovers out there. If you love keto & it’s SUSTAINABLE for you, great! But for many people it’s not a sustainable way to live… Weight loss may come fast, but the rebound weight gain comes even faster. This kills your metabolism & your spirit. Just STOP trying whatever the … Continued

How to Be the Healthiest Version of YOU

Want to be healthier? Just start thinking like a healthy person. Whenever you’re faced with a decision, ask yourself ‘What would a healthy person choose?’ and make that choice. Every time you make a healthy choice, you cast a vote for a healthier version of you. If you need support and accountability along the way, … Continued

Hate Traditional Cardio? Do This

Ditch traditional cardio & still get super fit with metabolic conditioning. Here’s a fun one that can be modified or intensified to suit your fitness level. 5-10 rounds for time: -8 pull ups OR Modify with: TRX rows or inverted rows or bent rows or DB rows -20 ft Handstand walk OR Modify with: 30 … Continued

7 Tips to Bump Up Your Fitness

Little by little, a little becomes a lot. Baby steps. I’ve used these techniques to recover from hip replacement surgery in August of 2021. I’m back to doing all the things I love & at about 70% strength for hip related moves 5 months later. While making these small changes don’t seem like much, over … Continued