Hot Flash – What Can I Do??

Hot Flashes 😱 🔥 🔥 and what to do about them! What are hot flashes and how long will they last? ➡ Hot flashes can last 30 seconds to 5 minutes ➡ Interestingly enough, not all women experience them ➡ Not all flashes are of the same intensity ➡ Flashes can be as mild as a light blush or severe … Continued

Will Power Doesn’t Work – But THIS Does!

We all have the same amount of willpower. We call can decide what we want to do and what we don’t want to do. Unfortunately, where tough decisions are concerned, if we rely JUST on will power, we often will find ourselves in trouble. For example, if I were faced with a plate of freshly … Continued

Born Gifted with Nisan Trotter

I had the good fortune to interview a long standing friend, Nisan Trotter. Nisan tells about how getting fired helped him find and develop his own unique gift and how he helps others find their gifting. He’s a powerful speaker and all around amazing man. So far, this interview has been my favorite of all … Continued

Is it Even Menopause?

If you’re like most women in your 40’s or 50’s you’re probably blaming menopause for all kinds of things like: mid section weight gain  sleeplessness fatigue inability to lose weight hot flashes depression… In a nutshell, here are 5 tips to burn off your menopause belly: Get a physical. Eat fish oil. Lower stress levels. … Continued

How to Kick a Holiday Funk

🎁🎄🎅 The holidays 🎁🎄🎅 ⁉️ Arguably the ‘most wonderful time of the year’ ⁉️ For many it is, but for possibly many more, the holidays are NOT the best time of year 😞 ✳️If the holidays put you in a funk, you’re not alone. ▶️One North American survey reported that 45% of respondents dreaded the … Continued

Improve Your Posture with This Quick Hack

What to do when you have no time to workout…AND improve your posture in no time flat👍🏻 😐 We live in a world of computer work, driving, looking at our phones… ➡️ All these things cause our shoulders to slouch and roll inward. This also causes tightness in the upper chest and loose and lax … Continued

Don’t Give Up!

You may just need to lower your standards a little…⬇️ Sometimes we’re our own worst enemy 😈 – please speak kindly to yourself and cut yourself a little slack when you’re not feeling 100%… ✳️Remember that your body is likely going thru some major changes (in your 40’s and 50’s) and you might feel a little … Continued

Weekend Routine – How Do I Avoid Sabotaging My Progress?

It’s the weekend! One of the most common issues with women I talk to is how to manage the weekend so that any progress through out the week isn’t sabotaged. The weekend can be a great break from your every day routine, but if maintaining your health is your goal, then it’s important to stick … Continued

10 Ways to De-Stress

Stress! What’s it doing to you? How can you de-stress? Cortisol the ‘belly fat storing hormone’ is increased when you’re under stress. I’m sure increased belly fat is NOT a useful way to handle stress for you as it once was. In the caveman days, increased belly fat was a survival mechanism because back then, … Continued