Thank you!

I feel privileged to work with the wonderful people that I do. I have the best clients that tend to bring me all their friends. I don’t want to get all mushy here, but I really just need to say THANK YOU to all the peeps that come to my boot camp or let me … Continued

Audio Hook Up

Want to know some of the secrets to losing that spare tire that’s found a home around your middle? Listen in with fitness and fab trainer, Lindsay Vastola as she interviews me. She runs boot camps in New Jersey and she had her clients come up with the most pressing fitness and fat loss questions … Continued

Measuring Your Body Fat is NOT Cause for Suicidal Thoughts

I have a new way of measuring body fat that I’m using in my boot camp. It is a body impedance scale that measures weight, body fat, skeletal muscle, visceral fat, BMI and resting metabolic calories. I love this scale because it’s quick and easy and doesn’t require my pinching anyone in their most embarrassing … Continued

Top Fitness Tips from Top Trainer:Sam Bakhtiar

As many of you know, I was in Las Vegas with the top trainers from across the country this past weekend. I rubbed elbows with top Chino Hills trainer, Sam Bakhtiar. He has amazing results with his clients. I had the opportunity to interview him and ask him what he felt the top three tips … Continued

Check Out My Online Magazine!

I’m pretty excited about my new online magazine. It’s just another way to share valuable fitness and health related information with you. As you already know, my goal is to support you in any way I can. You’ll find a link to the magazine on the blog and on my boot camp website. Do me … Continued

I Need Your Help!

Sometimes things just get to me. This is one of those things. I really feel like my calling is to help you with your fitness and fat loss questions and needs. For the most part, I’ve been getting positive feedback on my efforts. Read the comment below and I need your honest opinion. Do you … Continued

Positive Energy for True Happiness

For those of you that don’t know, I’m in Orange, CA for the Fitness Business Summit 2010. I look forward to this event all year because I get to take a break from my regular routine and hang out with the coolest fitness professionals from around the world. There are folks here from all over … Continued

Think About This

The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke I know that just getting to your workout may seem impossible at times, but you’re doing it. Good for let’s talk about what you’re doing when you get there. One client, new to … Continued

Think About This

Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. Edward Stanley Enough said. Now get moving, tell me how I can help you.