Reason for Exercise

Exercise isn’t to burn calories. It’s so you can do all the fun things in life. Whatever that is for you. A daily habit of movement ensures you’ll be able to do more. Period. For me, this was another memorable day in the beautiful mountains with the best of people. If you need some support … Continued

News Got You Down?

Discouraged with all that’s going on in the world? Now is not the time to quit on self care! The mood enhancing benefits of exercise & brain fog clearing ability of healthy eating are needed more than ever in this crazy world. Although these things may seem trivial in light of the serious state of … Continued

World News Got You Down?

World news has been especially bad lately. Like we need WWlll after a global pandemic. It all can be overwhelming & make your nutrition & fitness efforts feel futile. Like why even bother?? But don’t give up. In addition to other health benefits, exercise is a natural mood enhancer, that’s reason enough to get off … Continued

Try THIS If You Hate the Scale

Try this if you hate the scale! Use a measuring tape, if you want to assess weight loss progress without the scale. This works especially well if you’re also resistance training. You may be gaining a bit of muscle & losing a bit of fat so your weight seems to stay the same. But ‘body … Continued

Running Out of Time?

Feel like you’re running out of time? Feel like your best times (and health) are in the past? It doesn’t have to be. Focus on the present & don’t be fooled into thinking that you can work on your health ‘later’. Your ‘tomorrow’s’ are limited. We all have an expiration date. Make the most of … Continued

No Time For You?

No time for you? You might be sandwiched between raising kids & caring for aging parents. Where does ‘me time’ fit in? If you don’t prioritize a bit of time for yourself, it won’t magically appear. It needs to take up space on your calendar like any other important appointment. It’s not selfish to care … Continued

Are You Setting the Wrong Goal?

You’re setting the wrong goal. Instead of a weight loss (outcome goal), set up actions or habits (process goals). It’s your habits that will make the weight loss happen. So when you check off things like exercise 3-4x week, 8 hours sleep, leaving work at 5pm, drinking half your body weight in water and protein … Continued

The ‘Cost’ Of Visible Abs

Do you really want visible abs? Do you know what it costs in terms of your lifestyle? Understand that there is a LOT of smoke & mirrors on social media. Lots of pics have fancy lighting &/or are photoshopped (so don’t think less of yourself if you look differently). I respect any decision you make … Continued

Weight Loss Expectation Vs Reality

Weight loss is going to be slow and it’s never linear. But it doesn’t have to be painful. Take a look at what Felicia says about the process: ”On a scale of 1-10 (10 being unbearable), this plan is a 1-2. I was eating LESS before your intervention. The only “suffering” comes from planning my … Continued

Menopause Weight Loss Expectations

I understand your frustration… Weight loss is slow! Losing .5-1lb a week is brilliant progress, but this doesn’t sound like a fast enough rate given the ‘quick fixes’ that are being sold. Don’t fall for ‘quick’ where weight loss is concerned. You can’t speed up a process that’s meant to be slow. You probably gained … Continued