Free Video Bonuses for You

If you or any of your friend’s are looking to shape up for summer, here’s a great opportunity. Click here. Just a head’s up that I have a FREE 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Bonus that’s included with my e-book this week. It includes four follow

Summer Shorts? Leg Toning Mini Workout

Who wants to be wearing shorts this summer? It’s not too late to tone up those legs! Here’s a quick and easy, well, not easy to do, but easy to follow mini leg workout.   Use the audio program from Female Fat Loss Over 40, or a timer of some sort:   20/10 timed set: … Continued

Kids and Fitness

I know that many of my clients are parents and have questions regarding fitness and kids. So, here’s an article I wrote for you…let me know your thoughts in the comment section! Children are probably the most at risk population for disease if current health-lifestyles are maintained.  The current generation lives in a world where … Continued

A Case For Boot Camp

1. Why is it so healthy to exercise outdoors? It this like “spring cleaning” for your body? As much as I would like to say that there is a ‘spring cleaning’ for the body by training outdoors, I’ve yet to find any documented evidence to suggest that this is the case. There is much to … Continued

Deadlifts vs Stiff Legged Deadlifts

In boot camp lately we’ve introduced the stiff legged deadlift. I had a request to do a video to explain that difference between the deadlift and the stiff legged deadlift. You can watch the video and see the difference, but I’ll sum it up here: The Deadlift Keep the back flat, shoulders down and back … Continued

Hotel Workout

Hey, as most of you know, I always try to put up a travel workout that I did on the road so that you can do it at home or when you’re traveling. My good friend, Lindsay Sampson-Vastola from New Jersey and I were roomies at the latest Fitness Business Summit in California and we … Continued

Work Out Excuses…

Have you ever had to miss boot camp or your workout? Of course you have. Now one of my clients is pretty serious about his training and didn’t want to get picked on upon his return from what seemed like purposeful absences…take a look:

Weathering the Storm: Your Fitness Journey

It seemed like a normal sunny Calgary Saturday afternoon. We had spring fever so we decided to go on a family bike ride. Our plan was to haul our bikes in the truck to a park area and then do about a 20-30 km loop and then drive home. We had one reluctant teenager in … Continued

Thinking of a Marathon?

My good friend and running expert Jill Bruyere is my ‘go-to girl’ for any running related questions. She’s posted on my blog in the past and here she has some great advice for anyone considering a marathon.  She has a very affordable e-book that will guide you every step of the way. Currently, my business … Continued

High Intensity Interval Training Success!

Since we’ve been on the topic of HIIT, I wanted to share with you an update on a success story from one of my clients. Franca, my beautiful boot camper that was featured in this blog, has started to incorporate HIIT to her workouts when she isn’t at boot camp. Since she started her fitness … Continued