Killer No Equipment Travel Workout
www.FemaleFatLossOver40/KillerNoEqpmtTravelWorkout from Shawna Kaminski on Vimeo. Check out this awesome travel workout
www.FemaleFatLossOver40/KillerNoEqpmtTravelWorkout from Shawna Kaminski on Vimeo. Check out this awesome travel workout
I thought I’d share the killer workout the ladies and I did in Canmore on the first day of our getaway. The park I wanted to go to was teaming with kids, so I thought I’d keep the girls in the resort gym and show them a great home or travel workout. Six peeps had … Continued
Here I am in Las Vegas for the meeting of the minds with the top fitness pros in the US and Canada. I have four fellow Canadians here and we’re really enjoying the LV weather and sights. Vegas is really such an unbelievable place for me. It’s like a total sensory overload when I go … Continued
As many of you know, I run my own boot camps and this was a favorite workout that I promised to post for you. Whether you’ve done it with me in camp, or this is a new workout for you, it’s a killer! If you’re unfamiliar with the exercises, I suggest getting my program as … Continued
Can you spot the person that just started working out? She’s the one hobbling around with sore quads and can’t sit down or get up every easily. Too funny, but not if it’s you! One of my clients using Female Fat Loss Over Forty contacted me to say that she was so sore she could … Continued
If you or any of your friend’s are looking to shape up for summer, here’s a great opportunity. Click here. Just a head’s up that I have a FREE 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Bonus that’s included with my e-book this week. It includes four follow
Who wants to be wearing shorts this summer? It’s not too late to tone up those legs! Here’s a quick and easy, well, not easy to do, but easy to follow mini leg workout. Use the audio program from Female Fat Loss Over 40, or a timer of some sort: 20/10 timed set: … Continued
I know that many of my clients are parents and have questions regarding fitness and kids. So, here’s an article I wrote for you…let me know your thoughts in the comment section! Children are probably the most at risk population for disease if current health-lifestyles are maintained. The current generation lives in a world where … Continued
1. Why is it so healthy to exercise outdoors? It this like “spring cleaning” for your body? As much as I would like to say that there is a ‘spring cleaning’ for the body by training outdoors, I’ve yet to find any documented evidence to suggest that this is the case. There is much to … Continued
In boot camp lately we’ve introduced the stiff legged deadlift. I had a request to do a video to explain that difference between the deadlift and the stiff legged deadlift. You can watch the video and see the difference, but I’ll sum it up here: The Deadlift Keep the back flat, shoulders down and back … Continued