7 Sets to Super Toned!

As promised, my pal Lindsay Vastola and I put together this awesome hotel workout for you. We meet up every six weeks or so to meet with the best fitness trainers from around the country. Although we have a ton of work to do and people to meet, we always want to provide you with … Continued

Standing Abs

I got this email and thought I’d share it with you. I thought you may benefit from the solution that follows as well. I have arthritis and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. It is very difficult for me to get down on the floor, let alone back up.  What core routine can I work on that does … Continued

As Many Rounds as Possible

I thought I’d share a workout that we did in boot camp and it was a big hit. This is just two of the sets. We did each for 15 minutes. This is a super little workout. You may have to modify to work with the space that you have. Given that it’s summer now, … Continued

Save Your Knees!

There’s nothing like squats and lunges to hit the butt and hamstrings. I know some of you are experiencing some knee pain and seem to think that these two wonder exercises are the culprits. I’m here to tell you other wise! It’s likely your form that’s the problem. Check out this video, and then check … Continued

Solution to #1 Fitness Problem

Ever wonder if you’re the only one that has trouble staying on the fitness track? California fitness and fat loss expert, Josh Carter gives the #1 fitness problem most women face AND he gives you the solution…take a look: FemaleFatLossOver40/interview with Josh Carter from Shawna Kaminski on Vimeo.

Canmore Resort Workout for You at Home

I thought I’d share the killer workout the ladies and I did in Canmore on the first day of our getaway.  The park I wanted to go to was teaming with kids, so I thought I’d keep the girls in the resort gym and show them a great home or travel workout. Six peeps had … Continued

800 Rep Hotel Workout

Here I am in Las Vegas for the meeting of the minds with the top fitness pros in the US and Canada. I have four fellow Canadians here and we’re really enjoying the LV weather and sights. Vegas is really such an unbelievable place for me. It’s like a total sensory overload when I go … Continued

100 Rep Workout

As many of you know, I run my own boot camps and this was a favorite workout that I promised to post for you. Whether you’ve done it with me in camp, or this is a new workout for you, it’s a killer! If you’re unfamiliar with the exercises, I suggest getting my program as … Continued

A Good Word for Muscle Soreness

Can you spot the person that just started working out? She’s the one hobbling around with sore quads and can’t sit down or get up every easily. Too funny, but not if it’s you! One of my clients using Female Fat Loss Over Forty contacted me to say that she was so sore she could … Continued