Restaurant Workout Scene

Decline push ups, dips, Bulgarian splits squats, inverted rows, squat jumps: not typical airport restaurant fare.   Except for this one day that my awesome business partner, Krista Kokot and I decided we should serve it up at a Vancover airport Bistro.   We were on our way to a fitness conference and had a … Continued

Sandbags Anyone?

I’ve never trained with sandbags. But I should. If you’re looking for something out of the box, if you’re bored with your same routine, this is a great option. Meet Travis Stoetzel…(did you see our head to head TRX Challenge together?) Check him out doing a sandbag workout here:

40/40 TRX Challenge

I love a challenge. So does my good friend, Travis Stoetzel. A head to head challenge is even better. So you can see that the challenge is 40 atomic push ups with 40 recline rows with a one minute rest. Take a look at the video:

Fitness on the Road

Life on the road…well, I make it sound as if I’m some kind of wander lust traveler. As it turned out, I was traveling only about 10 days, which is plenty for me. (Seems like longer out of my every day routine.) I went to a couple of conferences in sunny California. I actually had … Continued

MY Pull Up-Push Up Scores…

I did a pull up challenge the other day…I was hoping for a few more pull ups that this… I followed the pull up challenge with a push up challenge, I beat a previous personal best with this one….

Fitness on the Road

As some of you may or may not know, I just spend over a week on the road. I went to a couple of conferences in sunny California. I actually had the pleasure of speaking at two of the events. I thought I’d give you a recap of my week and follow it up with … Continued

Body Weight Cardio – It Works Better

Cardio sucks. I hate long slow boring cardio. It’s long. It’s slow. And it’s boring. And it doesn’t work for to help you get lean or fit. So, unless you like long, slow boring cardio, there’s no reason to do it. EVER. Fat loss is always a hot topic though and often times people will … Continued

Hotel Gym Workout – Six Sets to a Hot Mess

Have I ever introduced you to my biz partner Krista Kokot? She and I share one of my Fit Body Boot Camp locations in our hometown of Calgary, AB. She’s a super cool person and I’m lucky to be sharing a biz with my BFF. What’s cool about Krista is that she used to be … Continued

Baby Steps to the Human Flag

The human flag is a pretty impressive strength move. I discovered it not too long ago, and I thought that it’d be cool if I could do one, especially since I’m closer to 50 than 40 and most of my counter parts are considering scrapbooking to flagging. No offence to you scrap-bookers out there (I … Continued

Quick Intervals to Do At Home

Do you need a quick full body workout to do at home?   This is a great workout for you. It’s got 12 exercises that you can do pretty much in your living room with only a set of dumb bells. You’ll need a timer or some sort, unless you’re going to follow along with … Continued