Do Sit Ups Burn Belly Fat?

Who doesn’t want a defined and toned mid section?


Of course we all want the elusive six pack abs, or at the very least a toned tummy. Admittedly, a side benefit of doing challenging workouts is the body transformation that comes along with them. I love that I can do a fun and challenging workout and not only will I be improving my fitness level, I’ll be helping my body shape up.


I’m pretty sure that you haven’t fallen prey to ridiculous ab contraptions that promise to burn off the flub and give you toned abs in less than 5 min a day. But, sadly, many have.


You know that if it sounds too good to be true, it is….


So, what’s the best way to burn belly fat?


You may be surprised…watch the video:


The cool thing about many of the challenge workouts we do, is that they are THE metabolic challenges necessary to raise the internal temperature to burn off belly fat. Are you sweating like crazy when you work out? That’s a good sign that you’ve raised your metabolism to help burn that flub. In fact, these exercises don’t necessarily have to be even targeting your abs specifically and they’ll be burning off belly fat.


Ab movements are great for strengthening your mid section. You need core strength for over all health, back health and for a toned middle, but the ab strengthening movements are NOT what will give you the definition to your abs. I love the Workout Finishers that you’ll find here. These are the kinds of exercises I’m talking about to help those abs come out and see the sun. After all, the author lost over 100 lbs doing them so they should work for you too.


Stay tuned for more belly fat burning tips coming up.