Pizza Cheat Day Workout

I cheated… It was homemade pizza last night and it’s time to make it right…as you can see, I’m not up for any challenge here, unless it’s the carb induced nap challenge. On the positive side, it’s actually a mental break to have a cheat day, it even boosts your metabolism and it motivates (me) … Continued

Fearsome Foursome Workout

It always happens…you’re visiting someone and you can’t get away for a workout, or you have your car in the shop and you’re stuck at home with no equipment, you’re at your cabin or you’re camping, it’s a holiday weekend and nothing is open…there are endless reasons for you to skip a workout. That is, … Continued

Pros and Cons of Carb Intake

Here’s an article from my pal, Shaun Hadsell that I know you’ll enjoy: The Pros and Cons of Carbs Shaun Hadsell Have you ever been to a physique contest? I’ve noticed one thing in particular that everyone of these physique competitors have in common… They ALL use carbohydrate “manipulation” as one of the main nutrition … Continued

Cool Pull Up ‘Finisher’

It’s Monday morning and I have a ‘Hannah Hangover’. My daughter, Hannah returned from Africa last night and what I mean by a ‘Hannah Hangover’ is I stayed up super late talking to her about her Uganda adventures. I’m not much of a night owl, but with the time change for her, she couldn’t sleep … Continued

Bodyweight Finisher Workout

My daughter, Hannah returned from Africa last night and now I have a ‘Hannah Hangover’. What I mean by this is I stayed up super late talking to her about her Uganda adventures. I’m not much of a night owl, but with the time change for her, she couldn’t sleep and I was so excited … Continued

25 Minute Meltdown

Here’s a cool workout for you, it does require a bit of equipment but I’ve noted a few options. I set my gymboss for 50 seconds of work and had a 10 second transition. I did the following exercises: jump rope (phantom skip – no jump rope) TRX low row (or do a DB or … Continued

Pilates Core V

Having lived in Canada all my life, I sort of forget how cold it is. I had my Cali BFF come visit recently and was reminded that it’s pretty chilly in Calgary. I had to laugh at Sylvia who seems to think she likes cold weather now that she survived a weekend. The time she … Continued

Can Rick Really ‘Fix Your Shoulder Pain’?

 DOCTOR APPROVED (see below) My pal, Rick Kaselj is an egghead. I say this in the most endearing way. Rick knows his stuff and he’s always my ‘go to’ guy when ever I’m injured or if I have a client that I just can’t solve. He recently came out with ‘Fix My Shoulder Pain‘ and … Continued

5 Worst Exercises for Your Shoulders

My good friend, Rick Kaslej has some videos for us today on the 5 Worst Exercises for your shoulders. He’ll give you some pointers on how to do these exercises correctly if you do have them in your program. You’ll notice that I DO use these exercises myself and in programs to you, so make … Continued