Ahoy Matey! Sailing and Your Fitness

  ‘Man the jib.’ ‘Pinch to the mark.’ ‘Time to tack.’ ‘Launch the spinnaker.’ ‘We’ve got dirty air’….       I could go on and on about this foreign sailing language that I’m trying to learn. I have the good fortune of being BFF’s with an experienced sailor who’s invited me to be crew … Continued

No Impact? No Problem – A Challenge for Everyone

I often get asked why my whole workout series and blog is incorporates the word ‘CHALLENGE’. After all, it’s not that inviting is it? Maybe I should have called it ‘EASY workouts’ or something easier to swallow… Instead, I like the whole idea of ‘challenge’ because to me it means that you can constantly be … Continued

Life is Better When You’re Strong

Are you recovering from an exciting weekend? I hope so, but I hope the excitement was all about doing cool things (versus ‘drinking cool’ things). For me,  I tried ‘slack lining’  for the first time this weekend ====> #NotAsEasyAsItLooks! Good fun, but I definitely need to have more practice before I run away and join … Continued

Sore Knees? Exercise Alternatives

Do you have sore knees? Some people MAY experience some INITIAL knee pain if you are new to exercise or if you have a history of sore knees. Guess what? Whether you exercise or not, at some point in your life you may experience sore knees. Quitting exercise should NOT be an option. You just … Continued

Pilates Ab Finisher

Want to strengthen your core and back and get a toned stomach?  Forget crunches and sit-ups!  They not only won’t get you the results you’re after, you’re quite likely to hurt your back and damage your spine. We want to build a strong core – that’s all the muscles, not just your “six pack” muscles … Continued

Nutrition hack + Workout hack = Look better naked ☺

Have you got your bathing suit out this season yet? (Or is this something you’re sort of avoiding?) Summer is just around the corner (even here in Canada), so now’s the time to do something so you feel more confident in whatever you choose to wear. If you’re looking for a quick solution, I have … Continued

Bodyweight 30-30 Workout

Get off the treadmill and elliptical and try this fat burning, full body cardio workout.  You’ll work all major muscle groups and get a heart pumping workout regardless of your fitness level.  Modify movements to reduce impact if necessary, you’ll see those modifications in the video.   This is a fun cardio workout that’s suitable … Continued

I AM ENOUGH (And so are you!)

Stop it. If you’re making baby steps towards your goal, you’ll be miles ahead in no time. But you’ll never feel like you’ve gotten anywhere by comparing yourself to others. Don’t compare your chapter 1 with chapter 20 of someone else’s book. (Thank you to my friend Betty Rocker for this!) Measure yourself against who … Continued

Take This Happiness Test

Take off your clothes. Stand in front of a full-length mirror and look at your body – your chest and arms, midsection, thighs, and lower back where the love handles and muffin top start building up… Are satisfied with the results that you’ve gotten so far with your current fitness routine? Wouldn’t you like a … Continued

Build a Better Butt – Here’s How

My biggest fear….not spiders, not heights, not even death… It’s this ====================> Yes, the pancake butt is a frightening thing – and totally avoidable if you get off yours 🙂 My dear mother, God rest her, had the flattest bum around. She was too busy raising us on her own to be concerned with this … Continued