Do ONE Simple Thing ==> Lose the Flub

It’s easier that you may think to lose a little flub…more on that in a moment. Today I’m hitting the road to drive west to go help my Dad move into a retirement home. He’s doing pretty well recovering from his stroke in January. He’s tired of cooking and cleaning for himself though and I … Continued

My 4 Top Anti-Stress-ors (+ workout)

29 days from now you could be down at least one pant size… Right now it’s the beginning of May as I write this, so by the first weekend in June, you could be feeling more confident getting into your summer clothes… I have more on that and a cool workout I wanted to share … Continued

‘Healthy’ Brownies (and embarrassing story)

Treat day? I have just the thing… But first, an embarrassing story…now since my son doesn’t read my emails, I can tell you this. Once I made ‘healthy’ brownies, but they were of the black bean variety.We had dinner, chased it with a delicious and healthy black bean brownie and then we went to a … Continued

How Much Protein?

“How MUCH protein should I be getting on a daily basis?” I get asked this question all the time. In most cases, I find the majority of active people (especially women) don’t get enough high quality protein. Sometimes it’s just because the thought of tasteless protein is hard to stomach. Here’s a solution.  Keep in … Continued

I Blame the Lettuce!

Winter is tough for a number of reasons… Today I sit in my window seat that overlooks my snow covered back yard. While it’s quite beautiful to look at, if you venture out, it doesn’t ‘feel beautiful’ 😉 Sev and I feel a little cooped up – it’s currently -25C with the wind. Ug. Now … Continued

An ounce of prevention saves pounds on your hips!

Alcohol and weight loss don’t particularly go together but at this time of year, a drink or three is pretty much inevitable.   As always, an ounce of prevention will save a pound (or three) on your hips so give these tips a go for Christmas and New Years and stay in control of your … Continued

Have your Abs and Eat Pizza too!

Guest Post by James Gaida Author: 4DFL Method It was Oscar Wilde who said: “Everything in moderation, including moderation.” It was me who said: “Everything in moderation, yes, even including pizza.”             When we’re talking about health, fitness, fat burning and body transformation, “moderation” and your definition of it becomes … Continued

Another Epic Fail – I Blame the Fish!

Dinner is often an adventure at my house. Recently when I asked the kids ‘what would you like for dinner?’ Hannah said, ‘Something healthy and edible, can you work within those limits?’ I was sure I nailed it with marinated steelhead trout, ceasar salad (and a garlic bun for Sam). Seriously, easy as pie right? … Continued

Your Personalized Portion Guide

I get asked this question all the time: “How much protein should I be getting on a daily basis?” (Keep reading for your personalized guide.) In most cases, I find the majority of active people (especially women) don’t get enough high quality protein. Sometimes it’s just because the thought of tasteless protein is hard to … Continued

Halloween Hangover

Halloween hangover? C’mon now, be honest…how many of those mini chocolate bars did you sneak? Or what guilty pleasure fell down your throat? My quest to avoid the Halloween Hangover was foiled when my brilliant plan to buy candy I didn’t like failed….turns out I like those stupid Jelly Tots and Swedish Berries as much … Continued