Feeling Sick? Should I Workout?

Invariably everyone will succumb to the sniffles or the flu from time to time. If sickness strikes, what should you do? Many people ask me if it’s okay to train? Will working out help or hinder recovery. Here’s what I suggest… There’s a big difference between working out and active movement. To be clear, in … Continued

Best Nutrition Advice…

Best nutrition advice…let’s keep it simple 🙃 Weight loss is a lot simpler than we make it out to be sometimes. Let’s not get caught up in all the minor details and use some common sense. Our ancestors didn’t eat refined or processed foods and neither should we. Our bodies were created to be of … Continued

Tips to Improve Your Push Up and Flatten Your Belly

The push up is a brilliant under used exercise. It will tighten and tone your belly more than you might even imagine because the core is engaged just as much as it strengthens your arms and shoulders. Here are some tips to help you be successful: ✳️ If your wrists are sore, place DB’s under … Continued

Best Tips to Stay the Weight Loss Course

Where weight loss and body transformation are concerned, staying the course is paramount – but how is it possible to prevent drifting off course? I have TWO tips for you… Tip #1 – ‘I Can!’ Henry Ford said ‘Whether you think you can or can’t – you are right‘. If you have the limiting belief … Continued

Simple Hack For Long Term Success

The constant repetition of a lesson you’ve learned helps you not only learn the lesson but LIVE it. You can do this by implementing the simple principle of ACCOUNTABILITY. Keep checking in with a coach, a group, a belief system (like a church or the Bible or whatever rings true to you) to help you … Continued

Unusual Exercise to Reduce Knee Pain

Knee pain? Here’s a simple at home exercise to solve it (AND shape your 🍑)… Now most of us are a ‘lazy a$$’ and what I mean by that is that we don’t know how to turn on our gluteus maximus (the big butt muscle). This is partially due to our lifestyle. When our glutes don’t … Continued

Choose Your Change Challenge

Are you either ON your fitness game or OFF?  Sometimes when we commit to our health we decide to change too much too soon so it’s not possible to maintain the healthy changes we want to make. My challenge to you is to commit to ONE change this upcoming week… What ONE thing can you … Continued

The Power of Self Talk

What do you tell yourself? Tip to INSTANTLY feel better  and a challenge that will help you stay on course with your health and fitness journey… Your challenge today is to look in the mirror and find something that you’re happy with – something that you’d compliment a friend about. We usually have self talk … Continued

Light It Up 15 Minute Workout

✳️There is no ‘try’… Mindset must be: ‘I’m going to succeed’ 👊🏻… ➡️This applies to health, fitness, career, relationships, everything… 💪🏻This was a quick hotel workout… ✔️20 DU or 10 burpees… ✔️10 push ups… ✔️10/arm DB snatch or 20 squat jumps… ✔️10/arm get ups… ✔️10/leg pistol or 20 bw squats… . ➡️4 rounds… ✔️Done and … Continued

#1 Killer of Confidence and Motivation

The absolute worst thing you can do is compare yourself to others. You will ALWAYS fall short because there is always someone out there who is leaner or more beautiful or (fill in the blank)… The ONLY person you should compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday. Your goal should be to improve … Continued