The Smartest Move You Can Make

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.” Winnie the Pooh It may seem odd to quote a fictional bear when discussing fitness, but Pooh bear sums up your health journey quite nicely. For the most part, being healthy is not rocket science. You likely ARE stronger than … Continued

Fitness Goals Versus Physique Goals

⚠️WARNING ⚠️ ✳️RANT✳️ I’ve become hyper-aware of SO many social postings or should I say ‘posings’ and it’s sort of irking me. It bothers me because these posts can be discouraging to everyone that’s busting their butts, sweating it out, DOING fitness, instead of just ‘posing’. After all, fitness is a VERB… We DO fitness… … Continued

Fat Burning…So Where Does the Fat ‘Go’?

Have you ever wondered what actually happens when you lose weight? More specifically, when you lose fat? What happens? Where does it go? Surprisingly, when you ‘lose fat’ the fat cell doesn’t actually go anywhere. If you have a ton of fat cells in a trouble spot, the best you can hope to do is … Continued

3 AM Wake Up Call Again? Solution

Do you wake up every night at 3 am? This could be the reason… You may be low in blood sugar which results in a cortisol response. One of the jobs of cortisol is to wake you up… Then if often takes up to 45 minutes to fall back asleep. It takes about 90 minutes … Continued

Bathroom Selfie…

I hate bathroom selfies 📷… But I took this picture to make a point☝… I’ve gained 3 pounds (and I don’t care). I weigh myself daily only because it’s one form of feedback… My focus has been on getting ready for the CanWest Games (not on the scale)… My focus is on performance goals, not … Continued

My Health Journey…

Confession time 🙄 … For the longest time I wouldn’t post anything about my own workouts because I felt like I might alienate my clients 👽 Sometimes I feel like my clients will look at me like I have three heads if I post what my training actually consists of 👹… I love to help women … Continued

Mindset Mantra to Lose Belly Fat

No time for fitness or self care?   🤔Mindset trick to get you more healthy.   ⏰Do you feel like you are always behind? Are you always chasing o’clock time to get things done?   Some people tell me they can’t possibly fit in any time for Fitness because they are so time poor.   … Continued

Now Hiring [new job opportunity]

I have a new job opportunity for you! Are you ready? It’s called your workout and it’s the most important job you have in your life. In fact, it should be your SINGLE PRIORITY if you’re getting close to retirement or you’re already in retirement. Even more of a reason to take this new job. Let me … Continued

Progress NOT Perfection

This is Really the Key to Motivation 🔑 🤔A few small mindset shifts will change everything… Let’s focus on PROGRESS and not PERFECTION. Let’s COUNT THE WINS instead of focusing on where we may have fallen down. Let’s TAKE ACTION and motivation will follow movement. If you need some support, reach out to me, I’ll … Continued

Why You Don’t Need Another Diet

You don’t need another diet. Do you want to drop a few pounds? Are you looking for the next best thing? Maybe it’s carb cycling? Maybe it’s that keto thing? There’s got to be something out there to help you lose your menopause belly, right? The fact is, you don’t need a diet. You should … Continued