
⏳Time: What’s your relationship with it like?⌛ ➡Have you ever considered this question? Most people when asked say things like: ❌I never have enough time. ❌I’m so busy. ❌Where did the time go? ❌My time is so tight. So, since many of us are time poor, you’d think that we’d want to maximize the time … Continued

Pre-Workout: What to Eat

This is another common questions that I get asked on the regular: What should I eat before training? While you may have to figure out what works best for you, there are some general guidelines based in science that will help you determine what that pre-workout meal should be. To be clear, most food takes … Continued

How To Become a Better Decision Maker

Decide! Here’s a skill I’m being more conscious of applying on the daily: 🤔Decision making This is something that many of us have a pat answer for…. ‘whatever you want’  ‘I’m fine with what you decide’ Look, being wishy washy will NOT get you the things you need in life. You may think you’re being … Continued

Post Workout Meal for Women 40+

What to Eat After Your Workout…   I’m often asked what should be eaten after working out so in this video I share what I eat afterwards.   It’s important to remember that everyone may be in a slightly different place in their fitness journey. If you’re starting to train intensely, then you’ll want to … Continued

Best Time to Exercise? 🤔

I often get asked when the best time to exercise is for optimum fat loss. The fact is, the number one reason many people don’t exercise is due to lack of time, so the best time to fit in exercise is when you can fit it into your busy schedule. There are no conclusive studies … Continued

Ways I Let My Mom Down…How It Applies to YOU

Have you ever let anyone down?   Especially someone close to you?   Me too…   Sorry for the emotion in this video, but I feel very strongly about my mission to help YOU improve your health.  You see, my Mom passed away 4 years ago. She struggled with many things related to menopause. I … Continued

Why Did I Gain Weight After My Treat Meal?

Did you have a treat meal? Are you freaking out now that the scale says you’ve sabotaged all your hard work from the previous week? Well, you did NOT just gain 2 – 5 lbs of fat… It’s OKAY. Your body will retain some water when you eat extra carbs. When you ingest 1 gram … Continued

Success Story – Leanne S

I am super excited to highlight Leanne who has been a dedicated member of Calgary NW Fit Body Boot Camp since 2012! Here’s her story: My name is Leanne and I am a mother of 2 active boys – 13 & 11 who both play club basketball. I’ve played hockey for over 25 years and I enjoy … Continued

An Inspirational Success Story

Here are a few inspiring words from SUPER client Lori O. on her fitness journey! 💙 My weight loss journey can be summed up with one word “excuses”. I can list off why I spent 20 years on a weight loss roller coaster – moving, pregnancy twice, moving, work stress, health issues, moving to a different … Continued

Healthy Nutrition Changes for YOU & Your Family

Are you working at eating healthier but your spouse or family is pushing back? Here’s how you can handle it: 1️⃣Make small changes. ✅Introduce new food items slowly. ✅Let your family have some choices so they feel part of the transition. Begin swapping out unhealthy snacks, for example: ✅Replace unhealthy protein bars for ones that … Continued