Don’t Trust Your Calorie Tracker

Calorie trackers are inaccurate. They don’t account for EPOCH – or energy burned AFTER exercise – which is the big benefit of resistance training. Your workout should be FUN anyways, not just a source of calorie burning. Your workout should be focused on fun and/or skill or strength development. It’s only a small part of … Continued

Easy or Hard Decisions for an Easy Life?

What decisions are you making? Easy decisions lead to a hard life…And hard decisions tend to lead to an easy life. Take a look at nutrition for example. If you’re making the easy decision to have: —processed foods -excessive sugar -excessive alcohol -sedentary lifestyle You’re going to experience health issues & have a harder life … Continued

Why Menopausal Women Need More Protein

Are you getting enough? Protein is the magic bullet to aging well & helping with weight loss & weight maintenance. Protein helps to preserve lean muscle & lean muscle is the fountain of youth. Without lean muscle, you will: -lose functional strength -be more prone to injury -lose your calorie burning ability (because muscle is … Continued

Menopause Weight Loss Hack

Weight loss only occurs in a calorie deficit, but instead of eating less, why not do more? Enter NEAT: non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This includes walking (& all the other active things you do in your day). Simply adding more daily steps can create a calorie deficit while eating more. It’s win-win: -you get to eat … Continued

No time to Workout? Solution

Feel like you have no time to workout? Yup, we’re all time poor. But the good news is that if you have 10-15 minutes a day a few days a week, that’s enough to see results. The problem may be that you think you need hours to commit to working out. You’d be surprised at … Continued

Why Meal Plans Don’t Work!

Need a meal plan? Want to just be told what to eat? While this can be a helpful strategy in the beginning, this is not a long-term strategy for sustainable weight loss. There are a myriad of reasons why meal plans don’t work, not the least of which is: -you may not understand why you’re … Continued

4 Tips to Multiple Pull Ups

If you can get one, you can get multiple pull ups. Here are 4 tips: 1. Look up, keep the shoulders down and chest up. This will allow you to use the stronger muscles of the back instead of trying to just use your arms. 2. Do a pull up every time you can! 3. … Continued

Pull Up Progression Part 2

Want to do a pull up? Check out my beginner pull up progression & then follow up with these 5 progressions: 1. By now you should be able to do a thin banded pull up with eccentric (slow) lowering (5 reps) 2. Do a jumping pull up (5-10 reps) 3. Do a jumping pull up … Continued

Handstand Walk Progression

Who doesn’t want to learn how to handstand walk? This is one of my favorite skills that I learned in the last 2 years. I’m 58 & if I can do it, so can you with some practice & patience. You’ll need to be able to do a supported handstand first so, check out my … Continued

Beginner Pull Up Progression

Want to do a pull up? It’s a worthy and DOABLE goal, even for those late to the game. Side note: I learned how to do all kinds of skills like kipping pull ups, muscle ups, toes to bar, handstand push ups & handstand walking well into my 50’s. If I can learn, so can … Continued