Healthy Efforts – worth the effort!

This week I had the opportunity to see Lisa Taylor of She’s a master herbalist and natural health consultant that specializes in iridology, sclerology and tongue analysis. It was very enlightening. I highly recommend that you take the time to make use of her services. She was able to tell me lots about my … Continued

Boot Camp Training Put to the Test!

Today I had the opportunity to do a VO2 Max test at Fit Metabolism with Jason Hagen. Campers will be happy to know that Jason had a bucket at the ready and I was close to using it. (Nice for you to see the tables turned…) Jason knows physiology, fitness and nutrition like no other. … Continued

Fall Girls’ Getaway!

Hey Girls,I have 12 spaces in the upcoming ABC Girl’s Getaway Sept 25-27th. Take a look at the video and how much fun we had at the June retreat. Contact me if you need details for registration.

‘Time’ article is misleading info!

I wanted to post some facts from the ACSM (American Council of Sports Medicine), sort of a rebuttal to a Time magazine article that was out lately stating that exercise makes you fat. Message Points: Exercise and Energy Balance Exercise and Weight Management• There is strong evidence from the majority of the scientific literature that … Continued

A rainy day at boot camp…

Great workout today girls! Let’s hope for a little sun soon so we can relax with hill repeats or mountain climber tabattas! I was super impressed with your effort. Thanks for your enthusiasm and energy.