More Ab News!

Hey, have you checked out my online magazine? Here’s a cool article on getting flatter abs: the skinny on getting the flat abdominal muscles you’ve always wanted.

Audio Hook Up

Want to know some of the secrets to losing that spare tire that’s found a home around your middle? Listen in with fitness and fab trainer, Lindsay Vastola as she interviews me. She runs boot camps in New Jersey and she had her clients come up with the most pressing fitness and fat loss questions … Continued

Standing Abs

I got this email and thought I’d share it with you. I thought you may benefit from the solution that follows as well. I have arthritis and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. It is very difficult for me to get down on the floor, let alone back up.  What core routine can I work on that does … Continued

Cheat Your Way Thin

I know that I always say that dieting is your best way to slow your metabolism and gain weight. All things counter productive to what you actually want to achieve. You should know by now that my goal for you is to learn how to eat nutritionally dense foods in proper proportion to achieve life … Continued

4 of the Best Ways to Tank Your Metabolism

I know you want long lasting fitness and fat loss results. There is too much misinformation out there and I’m here to break down some of it for you. What are the top metabolism mistakes that most people make? What effect do these mistakes have on your progress? Take a look: # 4: Diet Pills … Continued

Measuring Your Body Fat is NOT Cause for Suicidal Thoughts

I have a new way of measuring body fat that I’m using in my boot camp. It is a body impedance scale that measures weight, body fat, skeletal muscle, visceral fat, BMI and resting metabolic calories. I love this scale because it’s quick and easy and doesn’t require my pinching anyone in their most embarrassing … Continued

As Many Rounds as Possible

I thought I’d share a workout that we did in boot camp and it was a big hit. This is just two of the sets. We did each for 15 minutes. This is a super little workout. You may have to modify to work with the space that you have. Given that it’s summer now, … Continued

Save Your Knees!

There’s nothing like squats and lunges to hit the butt and hamstrings. I know some of you are experiencing some knee pain and seem to think that these two wonder exercises are the culprits. I’m here to tell you other wise! It’s likely your form that’s the problem. Check out this video, and then check … Continued

Solution to #1 Fitness Problem

Ever wonder if you’re the only one that has trouble staying on the fitness track? California fitness and fat loss expert, Josh Carter gives the #1 fitness problem most women face AND he gives you the solution…take a look: FemaleFatLossOver40/interview with Josh Carter from Shawna Kaminski on Vimeo.