Dining Out Strategies
Need some tips on dining out?
Need some tips on dining out?
The lazy days of summer will soon be behind us and the hectic fall schedule ahead may be cause for stress. Stress can be your worst fat loss enemy. My suggestion? Build in some ‘de-stressors’ and life will go a lot more smoothly. Pick a few of the following to incorporate into your life now … Continued
One of the most common issues I hear is that energy is in short supply, especially later in the afternoon. Here are a few things that can help: #1 Start the day off right – Eat
What do YOU have in YOUR pantry? Would you be horrified to have your trainer come and take a peek? Well, that’s just what I did with one of my long time clients and friends. (We’re still friends by the way, even though I pretty much emptied out most of the contents of her pantry.) … Continued
Everyone has the best of intentions when it comes to fitness and weight loss. There seems to be a boat load of misinformation out there and I think that honesty in advertising is sadly lacking, many folks are mistakenly led down the wrong path. I thought I would summarize the top ten weight loss mistakes … Continued
Summer is a great time for family and fun. Have you had enough yet? Ready for some girl time? I have another Adventure Boot Camp Girls Getaway planned for September. You’ll just have time to get the family settled into their routine, but not too late to lose sight of your sanity. It’s about time … Continued
Have you’ve ever lacked motivation to workout or eat healthier? You’ll want pay attention to the following 8 tips I’ve got lined up for you. These are from my pal, Yuri Elkaim and I thought they were helpful, so wanted to pass them onto you. In general, we move towards pleasure and away from pain. … Continued
Here’s the problem: You want to workout at home or on your own…. You want to ensure that you’re doing each exercise correctly… You’re not sure if you are, so you don’t lift significant weight or try too hard for fear that you will injure or strain a muscle… You don’t get any results because … Continued
Lots of peeps need some good ideas to get their day started on the right nutritional foot. Here’s some of my fav ideas for breakfast:
I was able to interview the caveman himself: Ron Holland, to find out more about his Paleo diet: Shawna Interviews Ron on the Paleo Diet from Shawna Kaminski on Vimeo. So, if you need some direction on how to clean up your diet, even if you don’t want to lose weight but just want to … Continued