Holiday Eating Strategies

Did you know that the average person puts on 7 pounds during the holidays? Do you want to be one of them? Of course not. Anyone who thinks they can lose weight during the holidays is setting themselves up for failure. BUT, maintaining your weight is a reasonable goal. Listen to my super nutritionist, Zach … Continued

What can I do to firm my butt with an old towel?

You’d be surprised what you can do for your butt, hamstrings and inner thighs with an old towel. I love using gliders or my Valslides in boot camp, but many of you don’t have access to them. And to be honest, for home use, I often will just use an old towel or even furniture … Continued

Challenge Yourself!

Do you do the same workout day in and day out? Are you happy with your physique? You need to constantly shake up your routine and challenge your body with new and different workouts. If you do the same thing all the time, you’re going to maintain your fitness level and probably always look the … Continued

Why Do I Need to Buy Good Running Shoes?

I see a lot of women in my boot camps every day. I want them to get more fit, lose fat, get more energy and feel great. All that can happen if they come to camp, do what I say and follow it up with solid nutrition at home. What I HATE is when a … Continued

What’s Up with Running Shoes?

When my son was about 3 or 4 and he’d out grown his shoes, we set off to the store to get new ones. Turns out he’s a typical boy and couldn’t afford to spend more than 5 minutes shopping. He picked up the first pair he spotted, they happened to be pink and purple … Continued

Is Gluten Sensitivity Keeping You Fat?

My good friend and gluten expert, Dr. Peter Osborne shares this important information about gluten intolerance: Here’s more info from Dr. Osborne: The problem with many weight loss systems is that they cater to the masses without considering individual need.  They use a one size fits all approach.  This approach works for some but leaves … Continued

San Diego Countdown

I love San Diego. I loved my most recent trip there and the fact that I could train on the balcony off my room. I loved to see the beauty of the Torrie Pines golf course with the ocean beyond that. It was a great full body workout that I jammed in before a long … Continued

More on Gluten Intolerance

Here’s more interesting info  on gluten intolerance from Dr. Peter Osborne: Need to know how to cook if you’re looking to lose the gluten from your diet? Get the Gluten free cookbook CLICK HERE

Gluten Free Diet?

What’s the deal with gluten and gluten intolerance and weight loss? It’s all very confusing. There’s so much information out there, it’s time to clarify. Here’s my good friend, Dr. Peter Osborne setting you straight: Want to find out if you’re gluten intolerant? CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Gluten Free is the “New Black”

You’ll see that the media is eating up ‘gluten free’ ‘gluten intolerance’, ‘gluten sensitivity’ etc. One of the main reasons for this is because it’s a great excuse to market a ton of products that will lighten your pocket book and not necessarily improve your health at all. Oops, do I sound a little cynical?? … Continued