
Here’s my BFF Sylvia. She’s an expert in Pilates.

pull up exercises

I secretly hate Pilates.

(Well, I guess I can’t really say it’s a secret when I announce it on my blog.)

Pilates moves are more challenging than you’d think. That’s one of the reasons that I don’t like them. They look like they should be so simple, but they’re really tough. Sylvia knows how I feel about it all, so I won’t hurt her feelings.

When we’re together, I usually make her do some crazy challenge workout, then we finish up with horrible Pilates stuff (I say ‘horrible’ in a ‘love to hate’ sort of way…;)

Here’s a video that Sylvia did with her friend, Justin:

Justin is a seasoned athlete. He is a former Pro Baseball Player and is a L1 Certified Crossfit coach and he’s proof that Pilates is tough stuff…

As you could see, he pretty much was toasted after this little series:

*  X-Push Up Back   – 15 reps, 3 sets, 10 sec rest between each set
*  Ab Kick Push Up   – 15 reps, 3 sets, 10 sec rest between each set
*  Ab Cincher              – 15 reps, 3 sets, 10 sec rest between each set

Body weight movements Sylvia teaches incorporate the whole body to work together to produce balanced and defined muscles while gaining flexibility in the tightest parts of the body, typically the hamstrings, low back and hip flexors.

If you’re looking to increase core stability and want a ‘go to’ bodyweight plan, this one is a great one.

The workouts are fun and don’t require any equipment or hours out of your day.  Easily plug in over 53 different exercises that target the deepest layer of the abdominals. You’ll actually have a full body experience that will have you feeling more than just your abdominals.

Sylvia has a plan that you can use at home. This is a great resource that when you use you’ll learn to ‘love to hate’ Pilates along with me.

body weight exercises

Check it out HERE. (I don’t ‘really’ hate Pilates after all…;)