Success Story – Leanne S

I am super excited to highlight Leanne who has been a dedicated member of Calgary NW Fit Body Boot Camp since 2012! Here’s her story: My name is Leanne and I am a mother of 2 active boys – 13 & 11 who both play club basketball. I’ve played hockey for over 25 years and I enjoy … Continued

An Inspirational Success Story

Here are a few inspiring words from SUPER client Lori O. on her fitness journey! 💙 My weight loss journey can be summed up with one word “excuses”. I can list off why I spent 20 years on a weight loss roller coaster – moving, pregnancy twice, moving, work stress, health issues, moving to a different … Continued

Success Story – Cheryl Sherwood

I’d like to present this amazing, strong woman, Cheryl Sherwood. Take a read of her inspiring fitness journey… My name is Cheryl, I’m 51 and I’m the wife of an amazingly supportive husband, #1 fan of the Calgary Police Pipe Band, Mother to 2 great kids (Ethan & Chloe), a Calgary Stampede Showrider Mom, a … Continued

Success Story – Leanne Savard

I’m super excited to highlight Leanne who has been a dedicated member of our fit family at Calgary NW Fit Body Boot Camp since 2012. My name is Leanne and I am a mother of 2 active boys – 13 & 11 who both play club basketball. I’ve played hockey for over 25 years and I enjoy … Continued

Do I Need Support Group or Coach?

Want to fast track your results? Would a support group or a coach be more helpful? What’s the difference? I’ve been getting a lot of questions about this since I’m not longer providing the opportunity for you to get my programs without some level of support. The reason I’m doing this is because I realize … Continued

Success Story – Sharon Craik

💥I wanted to celebrate our newest Client of the Month at Calgary NW Fit Body Boot Camp – Sharon Craik 💥 Sharon is a bright and shining star, such an amazing woman who inspires us to work as hard as she does and makes us smile everyday! 💙 Here’s her story: My name is Sharon and … Continued

#1 Excuse to Avoid Change

    I’m not ready…change is not convenient, I have no idea how it will work out….maybe tomorrow…   Our old self always wants to DELAY when part of us wants to shake things up.   Don’t fall for it.   Guess what? You’ll never feel entirely ready to make a change.   Do what … Continued

Why Dieting is Making You Fat…

On a diet? Why eating LESS is doing more harm than good and is killing your metabolism… Join me and Coach Perri Stevens as we discuss the topic of dieting and more on a FB Live… A ‘read it and eat it’ plan is just fine to get you on the road to better eating, … Continued

Why Did I Gain Weight After My Treat Meal?

Did you have a treat meal? Are you freaking out now that the scale says you’ve sabotaged all your hard work from the previous week? Well, you did NOT just gain 2 – 5 lbs of fat… It’s OKAY. Your body will retain some water when you eat extra carbs. When you ingest 1 gram … Continued

Can’t Sleep? 10 Tips

Can’t sleep? 😳 I get it!   Sleep disturbances can be a huge issue for women 40+   Here are ten tips to help you get some 😴💤   1. Prioritize exercise. Consistent exercise will increase your energy levels during the day, improve your mood and improve quality of sleep at night.   2. Make … Continued