Pizza, Pull Ups and The Perfect Sub

Question: I love pizza 🙁  Do you have any alternatives so I can still enjoy it guilt free? Sort of like having my cake and eating it too, (but only pizza). Martin Answer: Martin, here’s an interesting alternative that may solve your pizza dilemma, it’s definitely guilt free given that it’s dairy and gluten free … Continued

What Can I Eat? (Snack ideas and more)

Question: Please let me know the next 21 Day Diet Challenge window since this one was completely passed by due to an insane schedule that barely allowed me to catch my breath. Answer: You can jump on board the 21 Day Diet Challenge at anytime. You don’t have to wait for Monday or a certain … Continued

Happy Birthday to ME – 51 Lessons

Well, I’m above ground for another year. I don’t know where the year went, but it’s my birthday again and time to ‘celebrate’. I’m not a present kinda person, I really prefer to celebrate with experiences and creating memories, but that’s not to say I don’t have a present for YOU. You can click here … Continued

Best Ab Exercise?

    Question: I want to see my abs this summer, what’s the best ab move for me to make them show? Answer: Bad news. There’s no ONE ab move that will be the magic exercise to get your abs to pop. Instead, the best answer is: ‘abs are made in the kitchen’.   The … Continued

Q n A Mar 14th

Question: I’ve been watching & doing some of your workouts. I found you through My Daily Workout which I am subscribed to. I turned 50 on Christmas. I am thinking about getting certified to be a Personal Trainer. There are so many courses out there. Our community college here in Columbus also offers a fabulous … Continued

Challenge Diet Q n A

It’s been an exciting few days here in sunny Southern California. I’m here for the annual Fitness Business Summit. Over 550 fitness professionals gather to learn how we can improve the health and wellness of our clients. I’ve been pretty busy….I’m coordinating and running two boot camp sessions daily – not digging that we switched … Continued

Coyote Mis-Adventure :(

I prefer a boring life….I had too much excitement yesterday but I sure am thankful for the fact that I’m fit. I got home from a morning workout and thought I best take Sve for a quick pee. I have an off leash area behind my house so we were going to do 5 min … Continued

Cool Moves…

Question: I’m tired of the same old bodyweight exercises, is there anything new out there? Bonnie Answer: I called on my friend, Kate Vidulich for some ideas and she came up with three exercises you’re NOT doing that you need to try: sprinting walk out one legged RDL (Romanian deadlift) with T squeeze to curtsy … Continued

Q n A Feb 7

    Question: In trying to do the wall stick up, I am unable to get my arms/hands to touch the wall, let alone press against it.  Is this just plain old lack of flexibility?  Keep trying?  Is there something else to do to convince those arms and hands to lay flat against the wall? … Continued

Where Did My Boobs Go? (And more…)

Question: I have been dieting and exercising for my wedding in July and I feel great.  I have lost 7lbs but my measurements show that my upper body has lost inches (especially my breasts) but my legs have got bigger!! I already have a narrow face and I’m worried that my face and upper body … Continued