Holiday ‘Movement Snack’

The holiday season makes it difficult to fit in exercise… But it’s FREQUENCY of exercise that’s more important than duration. So you can always fit fitness in – if you lower the bar! You don’t always need an hour long session, sometimes just a few minutes will do. Here’s a 10 minute bodyweight workout that … Continued

Best Exercise for Menopausal Women & Heart Health?

Resistance training for the WIN! It’s now recognized by the American Heart Association as equally beneficial to cardiovascular exercise for heart health. So even though heart disease is the leading cause of death for women, optimal health can be achieved without prioritizing cardio over resistance training. In addition to protecting your heart, resistance training … Continued

Are You Doing This Exercise in Menopause?

Are you doing this exercise? It’s normally called a ‘man maker’, but I prefer to call it the ‘woman maker’. It builds strength, power and endurance. The good news is that you can modify this move to work up to full intensity. This exercise also builds much needed bone density in the menopause transition by … Continued

5 Exercises to Improve Your Pickle Ball Game

Pickle ball anyone? You need to be strong and agile to play. Here are 5 exercises to improve your game: around the world lunges B stance RDL squats box drops push ups You can modify or intensify these movements to suit your fitness level. PS. According to the National Safety Council, you have a 1 … Continued

How to Prevent Osteoporosis in Menopause

Want to improve bone density in less than 1 minute a day? You can lose 20% of your bone density within 5-7 years of menopause but JUMPING 10-20 times twice daily can dramatically improve bone density. In fact, any kind of jumping can improve strength, body composition & bone health. Demonstrated examples in the video … Continued

Strategy to Reduce Hot Flashes in Menopause

Take a look at this study: Increased lean body mass is associated with less VMS (vasomotor symptoms) otherwise known as hot flashes. So in addition to… a more favorable body composition less weight gain more strength and functionality improved bone density less muscle loss less injury prone better balance increased longevity improved mood Gaining … Continued

Why Menopausal Women Need Muscle

Ladies, the jury is IN on muscle. Aside from the benefits pointed out in the video, muscle can literally save your life. Low skeletal muscle was significantly associated with the increased risk of all-cause mortality according to this study: So go get some muscle! It’s never too late. Since older individuals adapt to resistive … Continued

Menopausal Women’s Exercise Prescription

Want to increase your health span? No one wants to live LONGER unless you have QUALITY of life, right? So you should be exercising TODAY to invest in your future self… Now I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed with this prescription – it’s a LOT. If you can manage ANY part of this, you’re … Continued

How to Delay Dying

Some things should be put off – like death! You can do this by implementing a few simple habits. One of which is walking. If walking is available to you, it can be done anywhere and it’s FREE. The sweet spot is 8K steps per day that has been shown to improve strength and balance … Continued

How THIS 60 Year Old Trains…

You don’t need to do what I do… But I hope you’re doing some exercise you love. A non-negotiable, especially for women, is resistance training. PMCID: PMC4035379 PMCID: PMC3117172 If this isn’t something you’re currently doing, it can be a challenge to get started. I can help. I’ve got a summer program that includes both … Continued