500 Rep Kettlebell Challenge

Guest post by Forest Vance 500 Rep Kettlebell Challenge by Forest Vance, author, Kettlebell Challenge Workouts 2.0 I’m kind of a modest guy, and I don’t really like to talk up my accomplishments.               But, since Shawna has invited me to do a guest blog post and video for … Continued

Pregnancy and Exercise

It may not be you, but maybe someone you love has just found out that a baby is in the works. Why should you continue with any exercise? The benefits of fitness during pregnancy include:

Pull Up Tips to Up the Fun Factor

Can you do a pull up? How about one from an obscure spot? You can learn to do pull ups any where if you follow a few simple tips. First, make sure you’re TRYING to do pull ups from a bar (I know that sounds simple enough, but oddly, many people shy away from the … Continued

Challenging Heights

Are you a scared-y cat with heights? This past weekend was a test of sorts to see about just that. I had the good fortune to take an amazing group of ladies from my Calgary NW Fit Body Boot Camp  to a challenge course called Nex Level Challenge in Bowden, Alberta. As you can clearly … Continued

Sexy results in less time (scientific proof)

Let’s not waste each others time okay? Most people will say that their number one objection to working out is time constraints. Given that, what’s the best protocol for getting results in the least amount of time? Take a look at the solution HERE. Are there health benefits do exercising for hours
a day? Well, exercising … Continued

Burpees ARE for Everyone

I know that you hear the word ‘burpee’ and visions of junior high may turn your stomach…burpees may have been a ‘four letter word’ at one time (or at least invoke four letter words). The truth is, it’s time to get back to ‘old school’ training – tried and true methods of getting and staying … Continued

100 Burpee Pull Up Challenge

Lots of you know me as the ‘pull up queen’ since I like to do pull ups. (It seems I’ll do pull ups anywhere…) But you know how I love burpees too….hmmm, it’s a toss up as to which exercise I like the best. How about putting the two exercises together? Talk about the ultimate … Continued

Burpees are the New Black

Burpees are the new black and everyone can benefit.   I know you’re thinking I must have rocks in my head, but I’m serious about this. Everyone hated me in my fitness boot camp when we started doing burpees, but now we do burpees +  What I mean by that is we throw in all … Continued

Burpees – Keep Yourself Safe

All the COOL people are doing burpees and you’re gonna want to join us… But burpees can be painful. I’m all for pain, but it has to be the RIGHT kind of pain. I want to ensure that you’re doing burpees in a way to keep your wrists and back safe. Lots of people shy … Continued

Vegas Density Finisher

Imagine 105 lbs of butter. Now pack that on your body. Now imagine trying to move with that extra weight. Try running around a track, imagine how long you’d last without giving up in despair. That’s the story behind Mikey Whitfield. In his former desk jockey life, he ate a ton of food and ballooned … Continued