How to Replace Sprints with Bodyweight Exercises

Mike Whitfield, Master CTT Author: Sprint Conditioners Without a doubt, it’s the #1 exercise to get you fit faster than any other move. In fact, this one exercise… –       Improves your conditioning –       Increases growth hormone (which naturally burns fat) –       Improves body composition by helping you keep muscle and using fat as a fuel … Continued

No Excuses Workout

Shawna K doesn’t use age as an excuse for belly fat. Here she explains her new M2A method of training. Increase lean muscle tone to increase resting metabolic rate and do short intense workouts that create after burn. Here’s a sample workout: Do 30 seconds of work with a 5 second transition.  Use the modifications … Continued

#1 Truth About Cardio

Cardio sucks…(oh, that was supposed to be my inside voice). But I may as well say it out loud and tell you why… Steady state cardio – you know the kind where you plod along watching re-runs of ‘The Price is Right’ or other mind numbing sit-com, will simply cause you to become skinny fat. … Continued

Nature’s Anti Aging Magic Bullet?

Have you ever experienced that awkward silence when you guess someone’s age? You know when you’re WAY over? Well that’s happened on occasion and I’ve since decided to always guess reasonably low.   A few new acquaintances must also adopt that theory, but seriously, they’re guessing REALLY low when they try for my age. I … Continued

Use Science to Burn Fat

Science. Even if you’re not a science geek, you can use it to burn fat. Actually, I’m a bit of a geek myself and all my challenging workouts are based on scientific principles. For example, my Challenge Fat Loss workouts are based on M2A or muscle metabolism acceleration. Read more about M2A here. This is … Continued

Reverse Aging? A Challenge Fat Loss Workout

Reverse aging? Well, that sounds a little over the top, but learning how to “naturally” control GH (growth hormone) is one the smartest things you can do to reverse aging and keep your body burning fat as you get older. There are specific things you an do within your workout to increase GH which naturally … Continued

One set of DB’s? Pushing Workout

Here’s a fun workout for you…. What do you do when you have only one set of LIGHT dumb bells but you want a ‘heavy’ workout? The answer is to ‘pre-fatigue’ your body with an exercise that hits the desired muscle LONG before you get to the loaded movement. For example, if you wanted to … Continued

Bodyweight STRENGTH Workout

Guest Post Body Weight STRENGTH Workout by Forest Vance, author, Body Weight Strong 2.0 I want to talk to you today about how to use body weight training to gain strength. You probably think of body weight training when thinking about conditioning and fat loss. That’s how I used to think about it too. I’ve … Continued

Stop That! (Do This Instead)

Yesterday was Easter and whether you celebrate this holiday or not, there’s a meaningful message of new beginnings associated with it. With that in mind, I want to call you out on a few things you NEED TO STOP and encourage you on a few other things you NEED TO START. Fair enough? So with … Continued

Burn 1000 calories in one workout? (article)

I love a good rant and I can always rely on Kate Vidulich to deliver a GREAT rant!  I was one of those guilty Bootcamp Instructors who called  my 20-10 intervals “tabatas”, but after reading a rant from Kate a few months ago, I quickly changed my tune (just in case she caught me – … Continued