#1 Cardio for Fat Loss

Guest Post NEW and Improved Cardio Mike Whitfield, Master CTT What are you currently suffering through to trying to bust through a weight loss plateau? Are you using any of these?… Treadmill or Running/Walking Stationary Bike Elliptical If you’re not seeing results, it’s NOT your fault. Did you know that the latest research is showing … Continued

3 Cheers for Old School Thinking

An old lady (or man). This could be you or me. I see people all around me that are in their 50’s just like me, but they look like they’re in their 60’s or older. It’s sad. So very sad that people seem to ‘give up’ and accept that they’re ‘too old’ to get fit. … Continued

Leg Strength for Beginners

We’ve had quite a few questions lately about strengthening legs for beginners.  Several readers have explained that they’re carrying extra weight and are really feeling it in their knees when they squat or try to lunge. One of our readers, Paris, asked how she could strengthen her legs when she just feels wobbly and a … Continued

Partner Workout

My house is ‘the place’ if you’re a canine. I often find myself dog sitting. I recently had Samson, the English bulldog for a week. I had a bulldog growing up and I forgot how ‘special’ this breed is ===> As it turned out, Sev and Samson were not  BFF’s. Samson was a ‘romantic’ and … Continued

The Fighter Abs Challenge

Guest Blog Post by Andrew Raposo Have you ever watched a fight on TV and notice how ripped those fighters look? Do you ever wonder how those fighters get their abs? Today I am going to share a new approach to get six pack abs. You won’t have to lie on the floor and perform … Continued

Women Over 40? Your Fat Loss Solution

If you’re looking to lose fat through diet alone, you’re on the wrong track. Then again, if you’ve read anything I write, you already know this right? I mean, who wants to look like a smaller version of the same soft and squishy body? Not you. You’re NOT happy to always wear long sleeves, long … Continued

Stop It.

Let’s be honest, sometimes you just have to STOP whatever it is that’s sabotaging your health. If we’re really honest about things, we probably can assess what we’re doing to ourselves to make us wanna change our clothes in the dark or sit like a slug on the couch. It all comes down to habits. … Continued

75lb Walrus and Your Workout

Have you ever had a 75 lb snorting walrus in your home? Well, we have one as house guest for a few days. <——- Sev is pretty much giving me the one eye as if to say, ‘what the heck?’This is Samson and he’s not what you’d call a ‘high energy’ sorta guy. He is … Continued

Anyone can do these “sprints”!

When you combine the power of sprints and bodyweight exercises you can absolutely SMASH  the calories. Sprinting is in fact the number one BEST WAY to burn fat.  On the planet. Period! Now before you turn up your nose and say “I hate running!” and to my way of thinking – that’s natural.  I hate … Continued

Burn 1,004 calories with THIS workout [photo PROOF]

By Mike Whitfield Author: Sprint Conditioners I’m not kidding. This workout burned 1,004 calories for a REAL user. The best part? You won’t need ANY equipment OR a lot of time, either. Use this workout to burn off: 5 slices of pizza An ENTIRE pint of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Over 30 Girl Scout … Continued